



根据括号里所给的单词或中文提示,写出句子中所空缺的单词的正确形式。41. Now my dad and I go rock climbing together (month) .____42. Special parks have been set up to protect elephants’safety and (free) .____43. Some of us dream to be a (law) when they graduate from university.____44. My nephew finally finished the research paper under his tutors (guide)____45. I'm terribly sorry to tell you that our (appoint) has to be cancelled.____46. People stayed silent and listened to us, and (鼓掌) at the end.____47. Students should wear their school (校服) from Monday to Friday.____48. We are asked to (背诵) one paragraph of every English text in each unit____49. To join the People’s Liberation Army, it is required for men to (剃) off their beards.____

5.What is the man doing?A. Walking through a forest.B. Visiting the woman's house.C.Planting flowers in his garden.



28.Why does Josh Pyke appeal to schools to join the Busking For Changhang CA.Help students to learn music.B.Raise money through music.C.Teach students indigenous languages.D. Help students write books in E


25.What does Spencer bring to runnB.Satisfaction. C.Motivation. D.Barrier.A. Fantasy.