
-I met your uncle on my way to school this morning. ―Ah? You be joking. He flew to Germany yesterday evening ! 题目和参考答案

书面表达[2015 •浙江省杭州七校高一期中联考]

母亲节快到了 ,学校将组织一次英语演讲比赛,请根据以下要点以"Mother's Day"为题写一篇英语演讲稿。要点:

1. 母亲节:(1)起源:古希腊

(2) 吋间:5月的第二个星期日

(3) 目的:感谢她们的辛勤劳动;使母亲愉快地过节

  (4) 活动:母亲盛装打扮;孩子们赠送礼物并对母亲说:"我爱你!"

(5) 母亲的反应:感到自豪、满足。

2. 你对母亲节的看法。



参考词汇:古希腊ancient Greece

Good morning everybody! It's my honour to stand here and make a speech about " Mother's Day".




             That's all. Thank you for your listening.



One possible version :

Good morning everybody! It's my honour to stand here and make a speech about "Mother's Day".

Mother's Day has its origin in ancient Greece. It is an inter?national festival which is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. In order to thank them for their years' of hard work, peo?ple always try their best to make their mothers spend the festival happily. On the day, every mother will dress up. And children will offer gifts to their mothers, saying " I love you !" At the words, their mothers will feel very proud and satisfied.

As far as I'm concerned, it is important to celebrate Mother's Day. On the day, mothers will feel relaxed both men?tally and physically. And the family can get together and have fun with each other.

That's all. Thank you for your listening.