




( C) 64. What can we know about Henry?A.He is in China. He has a sister, Anna.C. He is a good boy. D.He doesn't he lp the dog.


B60.0. How old is the writer?A. 5 years old. B. 9 years old.C. 12 years old.D. 14 years old.



第一节:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。What does it mean to have a soul (灵魂) ? Where do people get 21 personalities (性格) ?Andwhat makes you “you"? The new Pixar film Soul asks these 22 . 0m December 25, 2020, it 23into the theatres all over China.The movie is about a middle school teacher, Joe Gardner, in New York City. He is good at playing24 piano.He always wants to play at the 25azz club in his town. But he dies in an accidentjust 26 his dream is about to come true. He then arrives at The Great Before.The Great Before 27 a place for new souls to get their personalities and interests before they goto Earth. There Joe meets a soul named 22. He tries 28 22 the importance of being alive. By doingthis, he helps himself find the meaning 29 his life.After seeing the movie, Zhang Li, a student in Beijing, said, “It's a (n) 30 movie! It givesme a new way to think about the world. "( )21.A.we B.their C.they D.our( ) 22.A.answer B.answers C.question D.questions( ) 23.A.went B.goes C.will g D.is going( ) 24.A.the B.an C.a D./) 25.A.worse B.better C.best D.worst( ) 26.A.but B.and C.because D.before( ) 27.A.was B.are C.is D.were


16. What is the man's healthy habit?A.He gets enough sleep.B. He has a healthy diet.C. He does much exercise.