




31.What future research area is suggested by the researchers?A.The impact of gaming on physical health.B.The physical impact of gaming on older adults.C.The long-term effects of action games on older adults.D. Age-dependent differences in the impa et of types of games.


23.When can visitors take sleigh ride s to celebrate the holiday?A. On Nov. 17. B.On Nov.19.C.On Dec.20. D. On Dec.28.



31.What does the text mainly talk about?A. The ways to play sports.B.The reasons for playing sports.C. The problems of kids' playing sports.D. The benefits of kids' playing sports.


Ⅶ.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。If you feel tired and have a fever, or if you have a sore(疼痛的) throat and aheadache, you have probably gotten the flu. Every year, some people experience these相似sick feelings, 41 old people and young children. The flu is similar to the common定cold, but it is much more serious. It can cause a 42 $$t e m p e r a t u r e a b o v e 3 9 ^ { \circ } C , a n d$$the symptom(症状) of fever may last 3-4 days, or even 5-7 days. The flu is adisease that can spread(传播) quickly. When someone sneezes(打喷嚏) or 43 nearyou, virus(病毒) travels through the air,en ters your body, and then makes youbecome ill. If you have the flu, you should go to the hospital. Take some medicine andthen you will become well.How do we keep away from the flu? Here are some good 44.不得不▲Avoid going to the places full of people during flu seasons. If wehave to, we hadbetter 45 a mask(口罩) . 在一期间▲46 to was h our hands carefully before meals and after 47 thingsoutdoors.▲Eat a 48 diet that includes different kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits.____They will give us vitamins which our bodies need. 山▲Do more 49, like running, swimming and climbingnnoountain s. Exercise anhour a day, and we will live a healthy and happy life.▲Try to have 50 8 hours’ sleep every night.____总之All in all, it's important to have healthy living habits. The healthier our bodiesre, the fewer risks of getting the flu we will have.AB1.A. especially B.quickly C.suddenly D.fortunately42.A.low B.high C.public D.middle