2024届新教材 新高考高三联考巩固原创模拟卷(一)英语试卷答案

2024届新教材 新高考高三联考巩固原创模拟卷(一)英语试卷答案试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024届新教材 新高考高三联考巩固原创模拟卷(一)英语试卷答案试卷答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、2024届新教材 新高考高三联考巩固原创模拟卷(一)英语试卷答案听力部分

2024届新教材 新高考高三联考巩固原创模拟卷(一)英语试卷答案

33 . Why is the article in journal JAMA mentioned BA.To comment. B.To prove.C.To suggest. D. To explore.

2024届新教材 新高考高三联考巩固原创模拟卷(一)英语试卷答案

On August 23rd, my son was out mountain biking with his teacher and friends . 4On Augra it iting at home with lunch ready. At 12:15, he still had n’t 42. Then, we got____the call that he was badly hurt.ant toWe 43 up the mountain in the car. He was in the kind of 44 you never ensee. We got him to the hospital for X-rays to be told his collarbone(锁骨) was broken.Collar bones are incredibly 45 to treat, as you can't j uso treat, as you can't just put them in a cast(石膏) ,____We got him a figure-of-8" support that keeps both his shoulders alignedd(成一直线).Itwas the best 46 for making sure the bone grew back straight. Sleeping was very pain fu____as t be ad in the next few months everything came 47 No sports No actii to____birthday party plans. We got into a new 49 at home. We found other things for him to dothat were n’t 50 , such as reading and making artwork.way to learn how to beI would never 51 an injury on anyone; yet, it is an 52________patient with life, with the 53, and with each other, My 54lesson has been that my____child may have learned more from this injury than anything else he's gone through this year,and, 55 , it will serve him for life.D.By chanceB.As usual C. Right away41. A. In shortD.shown up42. A. got throughB.turned about C. set outD.flewC. cycled43. A. walkedB.raced

2、2024届新教材 新高考高三联考巩固原创模拟卷(一)英语试卷答案选择题部分

2024届新教材 新高考高三联考巩固原创模拟卷(一)英语试卷答案

13.What's wrong with the man?A.He has a backache.B.He has a stomachache.C.He has a toothache.

2024届新教材 新高考高三联考巩固原创模拟卷(一)英语试卷答案

2.What affects the man's phone bill?A.The taxes and extra fees. B.His calls and texts.C.His family's Internet use.