




The Great Wall 103 min Action, Adventure, FantasyIn ancient China, a group of European soldiers encounter a secret army that maintainsand defends the Great Wall of China against a team of odd creatures.21.Which section of a newspaper is this text probably taken from?A.Entertainment.B.Education. C.Travel. D.Technology.


B听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。113. Where is the man going next? BA. To a shop. B. To the playground.C. To the train station.



Jane was from a city in South Africa. Her family was 31 and noodles were their only food. Herparents didnt have enough 32 to pay for the electricity, so she had to study by candle light.What was worse, to live on, her parents decided to move to a small village with all the children. Asfor Jane, she didnt want to 33 learning and she dreamed of entering a famous university. Shedecided to continue 34 alone in the city.After Jane's parents left, she lived a(n) 35 life. She had to learn to take good care of herself.36, Mrs.Brown, a school bus driver, learnt about Jane's situation and always invited Jane to havedinner in her home. Soon, Jane 37 a job in her school. She helped in the school kitchen from 6: 00a. m.to 7:40 a. m. before the school bell rang. She also swept floors and picked up rubbish in theafternoons. With the money she got from the work, she paid for her 38. And she stayed up late inthe evenings to 39 for all kinds of exams day after day.Jane's hard work made a d if fence to her life. She finished high school in Capetown and wasaccepted by Havard, one of the 40 universities in the world, with full scholarship(奖学金) . The18-year-old girl surprised the world.( ) 31.A. poor B.rich C.use ful D.fantastic( ) 32.A. time B.news C. money D. knowledge( ) 33.A. try out B.give up C. hand in D. turn on34.A. treating B.repairing C.living D.digging( 35.A.easy B.hard C.colorful D.great( ) 36.A. Unluckily B.Carefully C.Luckily D.Heavily( ) 37. A. refused B.lost C.missed D.found( ) 38.A.study B.wound C.habit D. truth( ) 39.A.listen B.prepare C. look D. manage


听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Why are many animals in danger according to the woman?A.The environment is seriously polluted.B. Many animals are suffering from diseases.C.There is not enough food for animals.