




The police with trained dogs were brought in to 46 Romero. They searched the areaaroound, but a week after his 47 , Romero was nowhere to be foundto be found. That’s when the oldman's faithful dog, Palomo, was brought in as the last 48.According to one member of the search team, the brown dog 49 them through hillsand valleys and finally to the place in the desert where Romero had been 50His niece51told the authorities that Romero sometimes had poor memory and that 51 his getting loston his trip.41. A. survival B.poverty C.promotionThe 52 weak man was rushed to the hospital where he spent two days getting back____on his feet. One officer posted online that “Palomo 53 by the hospital door day and nightwaiting for the 54 of its beloved Romero. The unconditional love of his pet allowedRomero to be 55 with his family”. A photo of Palomo staying by Romero's side after he____came back home was along with these words. 42.A.fighters B.strangers C.rescuers D.hunters43. A.by turn B.at times C.in advance D.as usual44. A. inspired B.concerned hA I aoC. satisfied D.confused45. A.reported B.exposed C.transported D.introduced46. A. employ B.assess C.convince D.seek47. A. graduation B.competition C.disappearanceD.consumptionD.defence48. A. attempt B.suggestion C.conclusion49.A. spotted B.dragged C. pointed D.guidedD.permitted50. A.defeated B.trapped C.cheated51. A. accounted for B.made out C.cared about D.resulted from


35.What does Lin think of the design?A.It is hitting a bottleneck. B.It is far from satisfactory.C.It is a challenge to human hands.D.It is well-received in the market.



2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作苔。Paragraph I:Grandma just hit the cake table.________________________________________Paragraph 2:


2.Whois the woman probably talking to?A. An assistant. B.A delivery man. C.A patient.