




I had graduated from college with a degree in education. But I still couldn't find a(n) 41teaching job.I waited for the phone to ring s o I could 42 work as a replacement. One day Iwould be teaching high school science and the next day I would be 43 with kindergarteners ona playground. This time I was in a local grade school as a(n) 44 for a 5th grade teacher forthe day. 45 not to let time simply pass by, I went over the lesson plans and stayed 46with the students, smiling and encouraging them.I was determined to 47 the great teachersI'd had when I was a boy and not the critical ones who always left me 48 bad.At the end of the day just as they were leaving the room a girl handed me a 49 note.Iwaited until they were all gone before I opened it. It was a lovely drawing full of 50 wonderand a note that said:“You are the best teacher I have ever had!”My mouth fell open in 51 .It really.amazed me that my kind 52 had touched that girl'she art so deeply.I took that notehome and put it in a folder. Anytime I was feling 53 I would look at it and it always mademe smile.That experience showed me the 54 that a single kind word can have on a life.In ever sawthat girl again, but I 55 that her life has ben full of kind words and loving people. And Icontinue to try my best each day to let love and kindness live through my words and my life.41.A.ever-changingB.full-time C.random D.swift42.A.consequentlyB.temporarily C.casually D.actually43.A. travelling aroundB.pulling off C.keeping off D.running around44.A.assistant B.applicant C.replacement D.advocate45.A.Determined B.Scheduled C.Convinced D.Supposed46.A.positive B.honest C.awake D.curious47.A.respect B.motivate C.follow D.recognize48.A.looking B.turning C.remaining D.feeling49.A.delivered B.folded C.selected D.checked50.A.mature B.fancy C.exceptional D.precise51.A.confusion B.trouble C.shock D.silence


“Right, ” I nodded. “Now, I'll act as your cast and 49 you until your mind heals itself.”Trevor gaveme a smile. Obviously, ou____50 gave Trevor a belief that he should trust in his inner power and itreassured him that he was n't 51.He knew his doctor, parents, and teachers would all work in____52 to help him. Sure enough, he 53 his classmates later.If children are in crisis, parents can try to make the m 54 their problems. Parents need toencourage and support them. In this case, children will feel encouraged and55 eventually.41.A.sensitive B.contrary C.essential D.available42.A.doubted B.improved C.evaluated D.tested43.A.arranged B.delivered C.approachedD.introduced44.A.in return B.by accidentC.at length D.with difficultyed



4.What's the relationship between the speakers BA. Teacher and student.B.Tour guide and tourist.C.Interviewer and intervieweeA5.. How is the man probably feeling?A. Angry. B.Happy. C. Confident.


19.What has Chat GPT been used to do?A. Find new source B.Write films. C. Build machines.20.Why does Chat GPT need a large amount of data?A.To create better toB.To know humans better.C.To replace it s old system.