




Ⅵ.完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AMy living situation got even worse after my father eft because of a car accident. To 31 1 theof a day. She 32family, my mother had to get a part-time(兼职) job though she was really tired after a long time workto make money, but it was still difficult for her to pay for my education.So I always hid myself 33 when my classmates had break-time snacks. You candagine how 34 it was to a 9-year-old boy. Soon the head teacher Ms. Lee noticed what Idid. So she did a home 35 and knew about my situation. The next day, she tried to give mesome food, but I 36 as mym other had told me not to accept things from others. After that,something 377 happened to me often. I could find some money, clothes, even 38 inmy locker(储物柜) or desk drawer(抽屉) from time to time. I knew they must come from Ms.Lee but she never admitted(承认) it. Instead, she advised me to accept the m 39 I couldn’rfind out who did that.____ ____With the help of the stranger”, I 40 my education and got a nice job. Last week, Ivisited Ms. Lee and we talked about what happened to me at school. She just smiled and askedme to help people in need.31. A. support B.suppose C.perform D.express32.A. decided B.discussed C.managed D.attendedal 33.A. nearlyy B.quietly C.mainly D.politely34.A.proud B.sudden C.accidental D.painful35. A.visit B.exam C.video D.dinner36. A.enjoyed B.stuck C.refused D.reflected37.A.valuable B.strange C.impolite D.awful38. A.leaves B.insects C.balloons D.cookies39.A. since B.unless C.until D.while40. A. required B.completed C. introduced D.describedB


5.What does the woman suggest doing?A.Buying a new typewriter.B.Repairing the typewriter.C.Finding a better typist.



19.How old is volleyball sport?A.Less than 200 years.B.About 300 years. C.Over 1, 000 years.


A.Pop music. B.Rock music. C.Jazz music.7.What do the speakers agree to do at last?A.Attend a nearly show.B.Put off the meeting.C.Take a shortcut home.