




volunteer work she found most 44B. She promised that if she ever won the lottery, thatswhat she would do.45A, the next day, the lottery office informed her that she had won a sum of 675.000Staying 46Cto her word, Lapierre devoted her life to her passion project, Le BookHumanitaire, which has since become a n on-profit 47Le Book, as Lapierre, now 62, affectionately calls it, 48Cas a simple list of gooddeeds she wrote down in a note bok to 4 49Awhat she had done to help others. To her, thede ds were just small acts of 50Bthat anyone else might have done. But wordstarted 51D2, her phone began ringing and a Facebook page she created for the projectbecame an effective way to deal with 522Afrom those in need and those who wanted to help.Le Book Humanitaire now has a team of 80 volunteers, 53C1local emergency support,medical outreach and food delivery to seniors.41. A. cleanerB. nurse 善行C. chemist D.doctorWhen you do a good deed, it has a butterfly effect, ”says Lapierre.“One good deedcan 54Dten people. So if we all do a good deed? That can 55Bthe world.42. A. lowerB.capture C. break D.lift43. A. quitB.find C.accept D.keep44. A. stressful B.meaningful C.painful D. challenging45. A. UnexpectedlyB.Hopefully C.Suddenly D.Gradually46. A. fair B.strange C.true D.open47. A. store B.hospital C. company D.organization48. A. expanded B.developed C.began D. changed49.A. keep track ofB. make sure C. deal with D.reflect on50. A. politeness B.kindness C.rudeness D.wickedness恶51. A. arriving B.leaking C. gathering D.spreading52. A. requests B.suggestions C.orders D.thoughts53. A. explaining B.passing C.offering D.introducing54. A. encourage B.attract C. interest D.affect55.A. survive B.save C.create D.protect


friends every day, contacting at least one friend a week will make a big difference.A. Ask people about their lives.B. Remember the details about people’s lives.C Sending cards also gets the message across.s theD Caring people spend time doing favors for other people.E.Caring people care about how their actions affect other people.c t otF. Do not just ask out of duty, but because you genuinely want to care.G. Keep an eye out for those in need and find a productive way to get involved.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



C. These experiments can determine the nature of matter.More research is needed in the future.


C. An impressive river highway running through a river.D.AD. An initiative to so sru ct a suspended highway.