
They live in and have no money to go to school. 题目和参考答案




What is the difference between developed and developing countries? The question is quite a difficult one. But we can compare them in two important as?pects: people and economy. People

In developing countries there are high rates of both birth and death. Families decide to give birth to more than one child, because many developing countries do not have the systems necessary to guarantee(保证)the life of old people. Raising more children seems to be the only way to make sure that dur?ing their later years a person will be taken care of.

The situation is completely different in fully-developed countries. Those countries have low levels of birth and mortality. Low mortality rate is mainly because of the good health care, but low birth rate is due to the fact that support?ing a family with more children is expensive nowadays. Another reason is that more and more women decide to work outside, so there is usually no time and place for a large group of children in their lives. Economy

In developed countries, most industries have high levels of technological progress, while the smallest role in the country's GDP is played by agriculture.

In most cases, in developing countries most GDP comes from agriculture. It is mainly due to the fact that services and many branches of industry are in the stage of development. But they have the potential to develop quickly, be?cause they have many things to improve.

Of course, the difference between developed and developing countries is not that clear, because some countries might be in the middle of great changes. When a country is in that stage, some data can define the country as a developing one, but others may show that it is a developed one.

1.Why does the writer think the question is difficult to answer?

 A.    Because the people and economy of a country cannot reflect the whole situation.

B.     Because most developing countries are certain to become developed ones.

C.     Because he can only compare them in two aspects―people and economy.

D.    Because according to some data a developing country can be seen as a developed one.

2.In developing countries, there are high birth rates because people hope

  A. their children will have a bright future

B. generations can live under the same roof

C.  they will be taken care of in their later years

D.   the next generation can contribute more to society

3.  What's the meaning of the underlined word "mortality" in Paragraph 3?
A. Health.          B. Death.          C.  Employment.        D. Survival.

4. What's probably the writer's attitude towards the future of developing countries? '

A. Negative.       B.  Worried.          C.  Optimistic.      D. Doubtful.

5.  This passage mainly helps us to______________ .

 A.  know why developed countries develop so fast

B.   learn about the weak points of developing countries

C.   realize our responsibilities to develop our own country

D.  tell the differences between developing countries and developed ones



A [文章大意]如何定义发展中国家和发达国家?它们之间的区别在哪里?作者从两个方面进行了对比、分析。

1. D细节理解题。作者在第一段中说区分发展中国家和发达国家这个问题很难。在最后一段解释了原因,即从某一方面讲一些发展中国家已经可以归为发达国家。

2.C细节理解题。根据文章第二段的"Raising more chil?dren—be taken care of."可知,人们希望养儿防老。

3.B词义猜测题。文章第二、三两段主要是对发展中国家和发达国家出生率和死亡率之间差距的原因的分析。根据"Low mortality rate is mainly because of the good health care..."可推测mortality即death。

4. C作者态度题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句可知,作者对发展中国家的未来抱以乐观的态度。

5. D主旨大意题。根据全文第一句可知,该文的中心议题是发展中国家和发达国家之间的一些差异。