
V.书面表达[2015 .洛阳第二次统考]假定你是李华.下个月你将去英国学习.请你给你的笔友Peter写一封信.告诉他你想利用周末时间做些社区的义务性工作.以便亲身体验生活.要点如下:1.表达心情,2.询问信息,3.表达愿望.注意:1.词数100左右,2.可以适当增加细节.以使行文连贯,3.开头语和结束语已为你写好.不计人总词数.参考词汇:义务性工作volunta 题目和参考答案

The historic centre of Vienna has been added to UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage list. Thus, St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Imperial Palace and many oth?er historic buildings are now recognized as being among the 700 outstanding cultural and natural monuments of mankind―others include the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur, the historic centre of Rome, the Kremlin with the Red Square, the Chinese Wall, the Taj Mahal and the Grand Canyon.

Vienna's historic centre, in its unity, is considered one of the most beautiful city landmarks in Europe. Three eras left their mark on the former residence of the Habsburgs : the Middle Ages with Gothic St. Stephen's Cathedral whose spire points towards heaven, one of Vienna's landmarks; the Baroque whose most important achievement is the Imperial Palace with its sumptuous cupolas (奢华的圆顶);the Ring Boulevard era of the late nineteenth century, when such splendid buildings as the Vienna State Opera and the Museum of Fine Arts were built to replace the former city walls.

The imperial flair of the centre of Vienna is en?hanced (加强)by numerous churches, mansions and parks, as well as by rich art collections gathered by wealthy rulers. And the centuries-old musical tradition ranges from the Court Chapel of the Imperial Palace to Mozart's immortal (不朽的)music and the waltzes of Johann Strauss. Also inseperably linked to the centre of the city are the delights of Viennese cuisine, the gemiitlichkeit of Viennese coffeehouses and nostalgic shopping at former purveyors (伙食承办商)to the im?perial court.

5.  Which of the following is not mentioned as cultural and natural monuments of mankind?

A.The Taj Mahal.

B.The Pyramid Fields.

C.The Kremlin with the Red Square.

D.The Court Chapel.

6.The second paragraph is developed mainly by .

A.following the order of place

B.providing examples

C.making comparisons

D.analyzing causes

7.What do the underlined words "imperial flair" in the last paragraph mean?

A. Culture atmosphere.     B.   Art style.

C.  Royal style.  D.  Royal palace.

8.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The universal value of the world heritage in Vi?enna.

B.Vienna's becoming one of the cultural and natu?ral monuments of mankind.

C.The introduction of the historic centre of Vienna.

D.The special culture atmosphere of the historic centre of Vienna.




D细节理解题。根据第一段提到"Thus, St. Stephen's Ca?thedral ,the Imperial Palace and many other historic buildings are now recognized as being among the 700 outstanding cul-tural and natural monuments of mankind―others include the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur, the historic centre of Rome, the Kremlin with the Red Square, the Chinese Wall, the Taj Mahal and the Grand Canyon."可知这些地方被认为是人类文明优秀的遗迹,故选择D项。


C 词义猜测题。根据最后一段提到"The imperial flair of the centre of Vienna is enhanced (加强)by numerous chur?ches* mansions and parks, as well as by rich art collections gathered by wealthy rulers."可知维也纳中心这种皇室风格也被众多的教堂、豪宅、公园,和富有的统治者的丰富的艺术收藏得以加强,故选择C项。
