




2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Teacher and student.C.Customer and waitress.


第一节 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In a village lived a milkman, who owned a few cows. Though his family was n't very41 , they had a self-sufficient life (自给自足) . One day, his son asked him what the secret____of his life was.He used the opportunity to 42 his son. "The secret of my life this: The cow____doesn't give milk, ”said the father. The boy asked his father in 43 , “What are yousaying?”“As you hear it, son, you must know the cow doesn't give milk 44 , and you____have to milk it. If you don't milk it every day, it will 45 giving milk.And Iwon't be able____to support our 46 .When you search for 47 , remember what I said, ” said thefather.



hey are also calling to r more action to ugnt agamsu suen anaddiction.E. UP Fs can be high in both, which contributes to their addictivepotential.F.Knowing the negative impact s ofUP Fs, expertsare lookingfor solutions.G. Ultra-processed foods(UP Fs) are the foods you can’tre-create in your kitchen.


23o possible factorsIt's not to explain how or why the house could ted twot 222 ttru tures around it. Trip Millikin, owner of the house, pointed to two possible factors,w ne25 the house, ”Trip Mi likinlikthe metal roof he aded during a recent repair.al luckhat said, “heI think its a combination of the metal r of and a lot oliit in2021 and then repaired it in 2022. I 27five“The house has a history dating to 1925. I 26five layers of asphalt(沥青) that were on the roof.”29 wildfire guidance from the ColoradotateWhether it was by 28 or not, those changes are in e omee's possibility to catchState Forest Service. It stresses the 30 of steps such as reducing the home’s possibility to catchterfire. The first priority 31 on the guidance is ensuring the roofing material has a Class A fire rating32r ofat he 33 winds from Hurricane Dora drove the fire through Lahaina, it didn't cause a disasterat the Millikin s house. The only 34Dorwas a plastic pipe on a wall. He also found paint 35 byintense heat on a wall near the kitchen.1. A. naturallyC.completely D.usually23. A. surviveB.hardC.catchD.set. necessaryB.nearlyC.vitalD.easyD 25. A. repairedB.moneyD.saved24. A. weatherB.makeD.wisdomC.luck.deA.putB.livedC.bought(26)AA.decoratedB.builtC.cleanedD.swept28. A. mistakeB.removed C.countedD.sold31. A. ignoredB.height C.function D.order9.A.in case of万之 B.chancee C. contrastD.requestf30. A. importanceB.in favor of支持 C.in charge of D. in line with32. A. roughB.valued C.mentioned D.selected333. A. coldB.metal C.solid D.wet34、 B.random C.strong D.freshA.object35.B.furniture C.tool D.damageA. burnedB.dried C.untouched D.hardened