




4.What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?A. Husband and wife.B.Father and daughter.C. Teacher and student.


( ) 56. Who can join in the competition?A. All the teachers and students.B.All the students in the school.C. Only the students from the sixth grade.D. Only the students from the ninth grade.



10. What is paragraph 6 mainly about?A.Childhood experiences will influence adult behaviour years later.B.Traces of these memories could be stored somewhere in the brain.C.A child's ability to remember things improves gradually over time.


The first one is the compass(指南针) . It has been a 33 gift to the world since it was invented inancient China. Before it was invented, people had to 34 stars to help them find their directions. Afterit was invented, people had fewer difficulties in finding directions during trips.The second invention is gunpowder(火药) . It is said a Chinese 35 wrote about how to makegunpowder in the third century. At first, it was used for 36 fireworks. At the end of the Tang Dynasty,people began to use it in wars.The third one is paper making. China is the 37 country to make paper in the world. During the____Western Han Dy nasty, paper was made in some places in China. And it was developed in the Eastern HanDynasty by Cai L un. He made paper with 38 , cloth and so on.The fourth one is printing. This invention was developed in the Song Dynasty. A man name d Bi Shengcarved characters(刻字) on pieces of 39.Then he put ink(墨水) on them. After the characters wereprinted on paper 40 , the pieces of wood could be used again. Later, this technology spread to Korea,____Japan and Europe.31. A. boiled B.locked C. divided D.created32. A. although B.if C.so D.unless33. A. valuable B.awful C.sudden D.medical34. A. pass by B.depend on C. put on D. run after35. A. wolf B.coat C.man D.ball36.A. making B.landing C. entering D. crying37.A. lowest B.earliest C.tiniest D.smallest38. A. rulers B.bells C.trees D. leaders39. A. smell B.wood C.smoke D. energy40. A.especially B.badly C.politely D. successfullyIV.阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)