




20. What does the speaker mainly talk about?A. Life in the mountains.B. The P and ett is’ goods.C. A special present.


B. They analyzed data on most bird species.C. They saved a number of threatened birds.33. What is Jarome Ali’s f eling after knowing the finding of the simuD. They made a map of all the extinct birds.D. Concern.ulations?B. Disappointment.C. Surprise.



B) 45. The underlined word “hit in the last paragraph means .____A. make up B. run awayawayC. find outD. turn on


阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Since the creation of the Rubik's Cube(魔方) in the 1970s, we 56(creative versions. The newest edition is n't special in size or 57____(find) manny____(appear) .Like thestandard cube, itbe, it has six sides, nine squares on each side, and the typical six colors you'dt haexpect 58(see) . It’s also a little over a couple square inches in terms of size.But unlike your common Rubik’s Cube, this one isnt made of regular plastic. Instead,it's made of 100-percent recycled plastic, so it 59(name) Rubik’s Re____it'spackage box is eco-friendly, possessing白e-Cube. Even 660 61 an FSC certificationing unbleached(未经漂白的) paperboard, naturalpacingredients【24仿真模拟·英语(四)第7页(共8页)