




6.Why does the woman talk to the man?A. To introduce some tourist spots.B.To get some information.C. To issue an invitation.


66.Colin, who speaks fluent German, is quite s for the job.________67.A number of high buildings have been built where was nothing but r (废墟) ayear ago.68.Having made full preparations, he went on to the stage (自信地) and played the____piano well.69.I'll keep trying and never give up because I believe f is the mother of success.________of Peru.70.Spain took control of Peru in the 16 century, so Spanish is the main o language____71.Don't (比较) yourself with others because everyone is unique.____72.What you said just now c me. Can you say all that again?73.Plants produce air for humans to b and food to eat.____74.We should (缩小) down the difference between town and countryside.____75.Barbara is easy to r as she's the only one of the women who wears evening dress.____76.His devotion to the work earned him respect and (钦佩) .________77.Ambulance took the i to a nearby hospital after the accident.78.Happiness and success often come to those who are good at realizing their own (优点) .____



28.How do you find the Highsmith family from the age-progression photos?A.They are kind and intelligent. B.They are diligent and generous.C.They are determined and innovative.D.They are hardworking and devoted.


A)60. Why does the writer write the text?A. To teach us the way to make a rainbow.B.To help us to write instructions for experiments.C. To try to tell some facts in life.D. To list the preparations for the experiment.