




just watch a movie? I had chosen the“movie route”too many times and this time I was 51 tograsp the opportunity. After a long and careful 52, I played my violin with Leroy. 53 Ididnt lose all my nervousness, it was enough for me to overcome my fear. Finally, I 54 a fullperformance in front of the audience.A short time later, my friend Leroy passed away, but his 55 stayed. It helped me not only inmusic, but in all aspects of life. When I focused on what I wanted to do, fear will be replaced with joy.41.A.worriedly B.calmly C.patiently D.angrily42.A.pretended B.regretted C.agreed D.tried43.A.on time B.in order C.in vain D.on display44.A.challenged B.invited C.allowed D.reminded45.A.convincing B.informing C.warning D.cheating46.A.refused B.received C.blamed D.evaluated47.A.important B.special C.reliable D.skilled48.A.shocked B.scared C.satisfied D.ashamed49.A.teaching B.begging C.forcing D.expecting50.A.chance B.goal C.task D.choice51.A.suitable B.curious C.willing D.generous52.A.preparation B.explanation C.test D.search53.A.If B.Since C.Though D.When54.A.planned B.recommended C.watched D.offered55.A.fame B.influence C.concern D.care


34.Why do we hold the limiting belief that we are boring?A.Because we have plenty of time and have nothing else to do.B.Because we lack confidence and deeper work on the issue.C.Because we d on't work on fixing this deeper issue.D.Because we should dismiss the perception of being boring.



A. Study the weather.B. Go to the beach C. Have a trip overseas.7.What is the weather like in this season in California?A. It often changes. B. It always stays warm.C. It seldom rains.


听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What happened to boats and ships in the Bermuda Triangle?A. They disappeared.B.They crashed into each other.C. They caught fire without reason.