




how far I had come. My life has been 50A.us B.used得分 评卷人Ⅶ.完形填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。peinterest is "in their blood", or that it comes naturally to them. But for me that's completely not the same.Failure is not the end but giving up is. I have always 41 this point of view. Some people say their 42Though I love to dance very much, I've never been a naturally good 43. When I started taking hip hophad done in half the time. I often felt very 44, because I couldn't seem to get my body to 45my mind.class as a kid, I had to practice for hours after class every day just to do the same moves that the other kidsAAfter a few years of this, I 46 I had tried hard enough. I felt broken-hearted and wanted to give upra eadancing. Until my 47had a talk with me, she encouraged me to work hard. One day s he told me thatI got a 48for a dance alone at our next public show! I couldn't 49 m y ears. Until then did I realizechanged since then. I felt I was doing better and better in


15.What is the man's suggestion?A.Sharing an apartment.B.Talking to her roommate.C.Finding a cheaper apartment.



14. How did the man notice the problem first?A. His bank called him.B.His bill showed him.C.His credit card was stolen.


第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。四个选项Emily Bhatnagar has always found comfort reading. When she's struggling with anxiety anddepression, she turns to 41 . So when she 42 saw a text message on her father's phone____informing relatives he had Stage 4 thyroid(甲状腺) cancer, she hid her 43 with the one thingshe's always found comfort in. But this time, she went a little further.At the age of 17, Emily 44 a neighborhood book activity. She decided she'd 45 thebooks to children who were also facing health scares.“I thought to myself, I'm only a(n) 46 .What can I do?I am not a doctor. I can't save lives, but I can hopefully make them a little bit47 , ”says the teen.“I was drowning in 48 when my dad was diagnosed. Thinking of theselittle children 49 the same thing as my dad was 50.”This was July, 2021.Her original goal was to 51 books for children undergoing cancertreatment, but she's 52 it to all patients under 18.She called her effort For Love and Buttercup(金凤花) , and launched it with a 53 for book donations on neighborhood app Nextdoor.“Buttercup flowers represent childlike innocence and fun that a lot of these kids don't get toexperience . It's what Ihope they 54 when they open my books, ”she says.The neighborhood book activity that began with a lone teen has grown into a nationwide one. AndEmily, now 19, says it's given her and her father a 55 distraction that allows them to curetogether.41.A.toys B.books C.snacks D.games42.A.accidentallyB.eventually C.purposely D.fortunately