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12.Being a small business brings advantages the big ones can only dream of.Michael Heppell,author of the latest edition of"5Star Service",a book on customer service,has interesting take on this development."I'm often amazed that smaller businesses think that the secret of success is to be more like the big ones,when in fact the opposite is true,"he said.
He pointed to the very different stories of two fishmongers (鱼贩) in his home town.Having served customers-including Heppell-for many years,the two were joined by a Tesco Extra,Waitrose and Marks & Spencer.
The first fishmonger began to complain about these newly-arrived chains to the local press,and even his customers.He pointed out that he couldn't compete with them on price and finally closed down.
"Fishmonger two was different,"explained Heppell."She worked hard to create a local brand and local loyalty.She would love to tell you about the fish,when and where it was caught and offer some little extras if you spent a few pounds more.She must have felt the effects of the three new arrivals in town but she didn't complain once.She survived,and of course,since her competitor closed she's never been busier."
Small businesses that want to grow should stop trying to imitate the big names,advised Heppell."Find out what they don't do that you can,and what you do that they can't.The secret is by providing brilliant levels of service,"he went on to say.
They should also start thinking about speed,believes Heppell,and realize that this can differentiate them from larger competitors."Smaller businesses can often change faster,adapt more easily and manage trends more quickly than the big boys.However,looking at many smaller businesses the opposite appears to be true.What can you do to get a first mover advantage?"
Too often smaller business leaders feel that they have to offer whatever the larger players are offering.They believe that having a narrower range is a disadvantage,but they need to realize that it actually offers them a competitive edge.The mindset of many smaller business owners must change.They need to focus on how to improve their own businesses and what their customers really want."Because we're small we can offer x,y and z.It's because we're local that we excel at a,b and c,"should be the message,said Heppell.
(Note:Answer the questions and complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)

78.The first fishmonger complained about the newly-arrived chains because he thoughthe couldn't compete with them on price.
79.The second fishmonger survived because she managed tocreate a local brand and local loyalty.
80.What are the two advantages that smaller businesses can have according to Heppell?Better service and faster speed.
81.According to the passage,instead of trying to imitate the big names,smaller business owners shouldfocus on how to improve their own businesses and what customers want
focus on how to improve their own businesses and what customers want. 试题答案

分析 本文主要讲述小企业与大企业的区别及优势.

解答 78.he couldn't compete with them on price
79.create a local brand and local loyalty
80.Better service and faster speed.
81.focus on how to improve their own businesses and what customers want
 focus on how to improve their own businesses and what customers want 
78.he couldn't compete with them on price 在文章的第3段有这样一句话,He pointed out that he couldn't compete with them on price and finally closed down.他指出的就是他无法与大公司竞争的理由
79.create a local brand and local loyalty紧接着的第4段就是第2个鱼贩的处理方法,She worked hard to create a local brand and local loyalty.她通过创立本地品牌和留住顾客忠诚度最终生存了下来
80.Better service and faster speed这一题较难,题目中要求2个优势,所以我们分别总结5,6两段的内容(找主题句,一个在开头,一个在结尾)得出Better service and faster speed.更好的服务和更快的速度是小公司的优势
81.focus on how to improve their own businesses and what customers want
focus on how to improve their own businesses and what customers want 这一题较简单,根据刚才说到的小企业的优势Better service and faster speed,那要提高他们的竞争力,必须提升自我并且去发掘顾客真正要的是什么,文中最后一段有佐证They need to focus on how to improve their own businesses and what their customers really want.

点评 做七选五题目时要注意以下规则:1.放进去通顺,这一点是基础.凡不通顺的必错无疑;2、选项中有单词、词组、句子成分或与所选答案所在段内容重合;

The triathlon(铁人三项运动) promises to be one of the most popular Olympic sports. Recently it has drawn huge crowds attracted by athletes swimming 1,500m, cycling 40km, and then running 10km, without stopping. But what makes an attractive 17-year-old give up everything for the doubtful pleasures it offers?

Melanie Sears has not yet learnt those often-repeated phrases about personal satisfaction, mental challenge and higher targets that most athletes use when asked similar questions. “You swim for 1,500m, then run out of the water and jump on your bike, still wet. Of course, then you freeze. When the 40km cycle ride is over, you have to run 10km, which is a long way when you’re feeling exhausted. But it’s great fun, and all worth it in the end,” she says.

Melanie entered her first triathlon at 14 and she won the junior section. Full of confidence, she entered the National Championships, and although she had the second fastest swim and the fastest run, she came nowhere. “I was following this man and suddenly we came to the sea. We realized then that we had gone wrong. I ended up cycling 20 kilometers too far. I cried all the way through the running.”

But she didn’t give up. “Sometimes I wish I could stop, because then the pain would be over, but I am afraid that if I let myself stop just once, I would be tempted to do it again.” Such doggedness draws admiration from Steve Trew, the sport’s director of coaching.

Melanie was top junior in this year’s European Triathlon Championships, finishing 13th.“I was almost as good as the top three in swimming and running, but much slower in cycling. That’s why I’m working very hard at it.” She is trying to talk her long-suffering parents, who will carry the £1,300 cost of her trip to New Zealand for this year’s world championships, into buying a £2,000 bike, so she can try 25km and 100km races later this year.

But there is another price to pay. “I don’t have a social life,” she says. “After two hours’ hard swimming on Friday night, I just want to go to sleep. But I phone and write to the other girls in the team.” What does she talk about? Boys? Clothes? “No, what sort of times they are achieving.”

1.How does Melanie differ from other athletes, according to the writer?

A. She worries less than they do.

B. She expresses herself differently.

C. Her family background is not like theirs.

D. Her aims are different from theirs.

2.What upset Melanie during the National Championships?

A. She was tricked by another competitor.

B. She realized she couldn’t cycle as fast as she thought.

C. She felt she had let her team-mates down.

D. She made a mistake during part of the race.

3.What does the underlined word “doggedness” in Paragraph 4 means?

A. Melanie knows her own limits.

B. Melanie likes to please her coach.

C. Melanie feels less pain than most people.

D. Melanie continues regardless of difficulties.

4.What is Melanie trying to persuade her parents to do?

A. Buy an expensive bike for her.

B. Give her half the cost of a bike.

C. Pay for her to go to New Zealand.

D. Let her compete in longer races.

5.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Melanie’s Dull Social Life

B. Melanie’s Personal Achievements

C. The Pain and Suffering Caused by the Triathlon

D. The Triathlon’s Great Attraction