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17.调查显示,近几年我国中学生的健康状况不容乐观.请你就How to improve the health of high school students这一话题,写一篇英语短文,要求涵盖以下要点:
  A research shows that middle school students'health condition is declining
obviously in recent years.                                                                                   试题答案

分析 高分句型一:
Most students are near-sighted and some are weak or over-weighted,so that they can't reach the physical standard.大多数学生都近视、体弱或者肥胖,因此他们根本身体健康状况不达标.
It's time that we should find ways to improve students'health condition.
句型一 so that they can't reach the physical standard 该句是一个由so that 引导的结果状语从句,说明前面提出的事实而引发的结果
句型二 It's time that we should find ways to improve students'health condition 该句是一个由ir作形式主语而that 作引导词的主语从句,该主语从句的谓语部分使用了虚拟语气,即sb+should+do sth 是某人该做某事的时候了
此外,该文章还有以下重要短语以及词汇:in addition 除此以外  take measures to do sth采取措施做某事

解答 Research shows that middle school students'health condition is declining obviously in recent years.Most students are near-sighted and some are weak or over-weighted,so that they can't reach the physical standard.(提出观点)(高分句型一)
    What causes such problems?First,many students spend too much time in front of computers or TV sets.Second,students have to prepare themselves for examinations.As a result,they spend most of their time on their subjects.Third,many of them don't form the habit of taking physical exercise regularly.(分析原因)
   It's time that we should find ways to improve students'health condition.(高分句型二)One available way is to do physical exercise at least an hour every day.In addition,a healthy diet is also beneficial to it.At last,the schools should take measures to reduce the heavy school-work of the students.

点评 该书面表达为提纲类,该类作文一般规定了考生的写作思路,罗列出了相应的写作要点.考生在平时应注意积累相应的词汇和短语,在写作时尽量做到将要点与主题紧密结合,用准确的、简洁明了的语言将作文展示出来.

______ left before the deadline, it doesn’t seem likely that John will finish the job.

A. Though such a short time

B. Because such a short time

C. With such a short time

D. As such a short time