




28.What caused needed supplies to be put off after the hurricane in 1988?A.Workers on the plan c. B.A weather report.C.Useless donations on the ground.D.The call from the operator.


25.What does the underlined word“relished”in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Advocated. B.Enjoyed. C.Postponed. D.Avoided.



38 Looking down into the distance or looking out of the window is a good option. If there is____ ____nothing to see, you can also choose to close your eyes and enjoy this moment of quietness.____ ____39 Are you a little shy when facing the camera? Taking a back view photo is a goodchoice, which can leave room for imagination and bring a different feeling as well.____ ____Take a seat.40 If there are good places to sit down, please do it! You can pose in avariety of positions with your arms and legs.Taking the perfect photo takes time and practice. If you follow these simple tricks above, yourphotos will start coming out beautifully! Do not hesitate to go out with your friends and take morephotos.A.Take a back view photo.B.Point to the distance.C.Not every photo needs to have you stand.D.This is a fantastic way to increase your beauty.E.But what if the photos are not as pretty as you expected?F.But how do you choose and share your photographs properly?G.For example, you can look into the sky and let the camera catch your side face.


14. How did Henry know about the apartment??A. From the Internet.B. From the newspaper..C. From a housing age ney.