




26. Why did Zir bel mention “three miles” in her sharing?A. To prove her energetic daily life.B. To indicate her tiredness of the work.C. To show the effort involved in the event.D..To complain about the stress of the training.


2.What is the woman doing?A. Giving directions.B. Having a haircut.C. Asking the way.



33.What's the weather in early August 2022 like in the UK?A.Extremely hot weather appeared in southern England.B.Early August 2022 hadonlyafew days'hot weather.C.Six continuous days'extreme weather brought little harmD.It became the wettest season in the past 60 yearsor so.


When Mae was a little girl, many of her classmates enjoyed dancing and wanted to be dancers. ButMae did not have the same dream as the other 21 . Mae wanted to be 22 scientist.In the 1960s, few women had jobs as scientists. 23 Mae did not let that stop her. She believed24 dream would come true if she tried hard.She once said to her father, “That is n’t my only dream . I 25 want to know more wonderfulthings.”Her father answered, “Dont worry ! I will 26 you all the time.”Mae studied science andAfrican(非洲的) history in college. After she finished her study here, she 27 a doctor and workedin Africa to help the poor.When Mae went back home, she still expected 28 space. At last, she flew in space. Mae andsix others sat on the space shuttle(航天飞机) . Soon the y 29 in space. After a week, the shuttleflew back. Mae learned it was 30 than she thought before and they all had to exercise for anothervisit to space. Mae was now the first African-American woman astronaut.( ) 21.A.kid B.kids C. teacher D.teachers( )22. A. a B.an C. the D./( )23. A. So B.Or C.And D.But( ) 24.A. his B.he C.her D.she( ) 25.A. real B. really C.cheap D. cheaply( ) 26.A. helping B. helped C.helps D.help( ) 27.A. became B.becomes C. is becomingD. will become( ) 28.A. to improve B. improve C.to visit D.visit( ) 29. A. are B. were C. is D.was