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13.[1]We all know eating out can be a lot of fun.There's the experience of having someone wait on your every need,the social aspect of being in a restaurant with friends and,of course,the great benefit of the lack of in-home cleanup.
[2]We all also know eating out can be expensive,and I'm pretty sure college isn't the most financially successful time in a normal person's life.That's why eating at home for a majority of meals really is the only option for many college students.
[3]Eating at home doesn't have to be dull,boring,or difficult.It can and should be an energetic,creative experience that transforms the way you look at food.When you cook for yourself,you know exactly how your pasta(意大利面) is going to turn out.You know where the greens in your salad come from.You know the olive oil you're using really comes from olives that are pressed for the first time.Use eating at home as an opportunity to learn and develop your kitchen skills.I promise you they will remain useful and rewarding for the rest of your life.
[4]Another important concept is to keep in mind that when it comes to shopping for food-less quantity,more quality.Buy base ingredients that are fresh,as local as possible and beautiful,and anything you cook will improve greatly.I promise you will be just as satisfied by eating a little bit less of something with a lot more quality.
[5]I am not saying eating out is a bad thing.But I insist there are many more places that are not worth your cash.Put a little more effort into cooking for yourself at home and you will gain experience and appreciation for the world of food.

76.List three benefits of eating out according to the text.(no more than 20words)
①The waiters can wait on you.②You can stay with your friends.③You don't have to do the clean-up.
77.Complete the following statement according to Paragraph 2.(no more than 4words)
Many college students have to eat at home because offinancial problems/(a) lack of money.
78.What's Paragraph 3mainly about?(no more than 7words)The advantages/benefits of eating at home.
79.What advice is given concerning shopping for food in Paragraph 4?(no more than 4words)Less quantity,more quality.
80.Do you like eating at home?State your own reasons.(no more than 20words)Yes,I will gain experience and appreciation for the world of food.. 试题答案

分析 本文介绍了在外面吃饭和在家吃饭以及在购买食品方面的建议等.

解答 76.①The waiters can wait on you.
②You can stay with your friends.
③You don't have to do the clean-up.
77.financial problems/(a) lack of money
78.The advantages/benefits of eating at home.
79.Less quantity,more quality.
 80  Yes,I  will gain experience and appreciation for the world of food.
76.①The waiters can wait on you.②You can stay with your friends.③You don't have to do the clean-up.根据第一段的There's the experience of having someone wait on your every need,the social aspect of being in a restaurant with friends and,of course,the great benefit of the lack of in-home cleanup可得在外用餐的三个优点.
77  financial problems/(a)lack of money  根据第二段的I'm pretty sure college isn't the mostfinancially successful time in a normal person's life.That's why eating at home for a majority of meals really is the only option for many college students可知 可知很多大学生选择在家里吃饭的原因--减少开支.because of 后加名词性成分,故正确答案为 financial problems/(a) lack of money.
78.The advantages/benefits of eating at home.由"Eating at home doesn't have to be…"及"you know…"的排比句可知在家用餐的优点.故"The advantages/benefits of eating at home"符合题意.
79.Less quantity,more quality.根据第四段第一句 Another important concept is to keep in mind that when it comes to shopping for food-less quantity,more quality可知购卖食物时一定要记住:数量越少,质量越高.
80 Yes,I will gain experience and appreciation for the world of food.根据文章最后一段Put a little more effort into cooking for yourself at home and you will gain experience and appreciation for the world of food.把更多的努力放在在家里准备食物,你会更喜欢饮食.

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.

-- I didn't realize how popular the restaurant was until I made a reservation the other day.

-- I beg your pardon, but when __________?

A. was you realized it

B. it was that you realized it

C. you realized it

D. was it that you realized it