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4.Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!
When I was a senior in high school,I (36)C knew I wanted to pursue writing as a career.
Writing had basically(37)Dme when I was only 7years old,(38)Dsince that time,I'd been bombarded by guidance counselors and career planners who all (39)A me to have"a back-up plan"in case writing didn't work out.
I'd never even (40)Ca different career path,so I was very (41)B and worried.After much thought,I decided (42)B would be my"back-up plan,"and I signed up for a class through my high school.
This (43)A that every morning,I would serve as a teacher's helper for my favorite 6th grade teacher,Mr.Ralston.Morning after morning,I showed up in Mr.Ralston's classroom and(44)C papers for him.
Sometimes,I even (45)D a lesson or two.It was fun,and the students seemed to like me,so I was surprised when it came time for my (46)B.Mr.Ralston looked me right in the eyes and asked,"Do you really want to teach?"
"Had I really been that (47)A?"I thought.
"Don't misunderstand.You'll do fine in teaching,"he continued."But,is your(48)C really in it?"
"Not really,"I (49)C."I want to write.I want to write news stories and fiction and poetry and so much more…but I've been told it's tough to make it as a writer (50)D I thought maybe I would teach and then use my summers(51)D to pursue writing."
As I shared with Mr.Ralston my hopes,dreams and carefully plotted-out back-up plan,he smiled and said,"Why are you preparing to (52)A with this back-up plan?If you want to be a writer,go for it!Pursue writing!"
Mr.Ralston's (53)A to follow my dreams was the little nudge I needed to help me push past my (54)B of not making it as a writer and simply"Go for it!"
That's what an encouraging word will do when spoken in love in (55)Cseason.So,let's try and be like Mr.Ralston and speak that word of encouragement at just the right time and make a difference in someone's life today.

36.A.even B.never C.already D.also
37.A.reminded B.entertained C.accompanied D.chosen
38.A.or B.and C.for D.but
39.A.urged B.forced C.taught D.persuaded
40.A.created B.taken C.considered D.examined
41.A.embarrassed B.confused C.annoyed D.frightened
42.A.writing B.teaching C.studying D.compiling
43.A.meant B.indicated C.suggested D.revealed
44.A.read B.set C.graded D.composed
45.A.reviewed B.skipped C.took D.presented
46.A.application B.evaluation C.instruction D.qualification
47.A.transparent B.shallow C.superior D.ambitious
48.A.eye B.mind C.heart D.focus
49.A.interrupted B.joked C.admitted D.apologized
50.A.unless B.if C.because D.so
51.A.up B.apart C.along D.off
52.A.fail B.follow C.depart D.compete
53.A.encouragement B.determination C.tendency D.attempt
54.A.dreams B.fears C.regrets D.mistakes
55.A.peak B.low C.due D.new.


分析 本文讲述我于青葱时期在人生道路一次关于择业的选择,Mr.Ralston 的鼓励使我坚信自己能在写作这条艰辛的道路上前行,对此我感激不尽.

解答 36-40 CDDAC   41-45 BBACD 46-50 BACCD 51-55 DAABC
36.C.考查副词辨析.A.甚至;B.从不;C.已经;D.也.由When I was a senior in high school,I even knew I wanted to pursue writing as a caree得知作者在高中时就已经知道自己想当一名作家.故选C.
37.D.考查动词辨析.A.提醒;使想起;B.娱乐;招待;C.陪伴,伴随;伴奏;D.选择.Writing had basically chosen me when I was only 7 years old得知作者7岁那年被选中去写作.故选D.
38.D.考查连词辨析.A.或许;B.和,并且;C.因为;D.但是.由后文得知周边人都有在建议我留条后路in case writing didn't work out,以防写不出名堂来.but表转折,故选D.
39.A.考查动词辨析.A.规劝,督促;B.强迫;C.教授;D.说服,劝说.have"a back-up plan",制定一个B计划.只是在建议,并不是完全在极力阻拦.故选A.
40.C.考查动词辨析.A.创造;B.拿,带走;C.考虑;认为;D.检查;调查.I'd never even considered a different career path,我甚至从未考虑过别的职业生涯.故选C.
41.B.考查形容词辨析.A.尴尬的;B.困惑的;C.恼怒的;D.害怕的.到了人生的十字路口,so I was very confused and worried,十分困惑和担忧.故选B.
42.B.考查名词辨析.A.书写;作品;著作;B.教学;教义;C.研究;D.编译.由后文I would serve as a teacher's helper 得知我去做了助教,所以这里I decided teaching would be my"back-up plan,B计划是从事教育.故选B.
43.A.考查动词辨析.A.意味;打算;B.表明;暗示;C.建议,表明;D.透露;显示.This suggested that every morning这意味着每天早晨,(我都要去当一名助教).故选A.
44.C.考查动词辨析.A.阅读;读懂,理解;B.树立;点燃;点缀;C.评分;把…分等级;D.构成;写作;使平静;排…的版.and graded papers for him帮他评卷.助教的工作.故选C.
45.D.考查动词辨析.A.回顾;检查;复审;B.跳过;遗漏;C.拿,带走;D.呈现;赠送.Sometimes,I even presented a lesson or two有时我甚至还能讲一两节课.故选D.
46.B.考查名词辨析.A.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;B.评价;求值;C.指令,命令;指示;教导;用法说明;D.资格;条件;限制;赋予资格.由后文学生的问话得知,学生们觉得我教的不错.so I was surprised when it came time for my evaluation 我惊讶于得知他们对我的评价.故选B.
47.A.考查形容词辨析.A.透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的;B.浅的;肤浅的;C.上级的;优秀的,出众的;高傲的;D.野心勃勃的;有雄心的.Had I really been that transparent?我有那么明显吗?我其实是想写作,当老师只是B计划.故选A.
48.C.考查名词辨析.A.眼睛;B.大脑;理智,精神;意见;智力;记忆力;C.心;D.焦点;中心;清晰;焦距.But,is your heart really in it?但是你真的心甘情愿吗?故选C.
49.C.考查动词辨析.A.中断;打断;插嘴;妨碍;B.开玩笑;C.承认;D.道歉."Not really,"I admitted我被识破后如实承认了.其他选项欠佳.故选C.
50.D.考查连词辨析.A.除非;B.如果;C.因为;D.所以.it's tough to make it as a writer so I thought maybe I would teach从事写作很难所以我试想我也许能教书.So表顺承.故选D.
51.D.考查词组搭配.A.向上;B.分开;C.单独;D.完毕.then use my summers off to pursue writing 然后我利用暑假继续写作.summers off暑假,词组搭配.故选D.
52.A.考查的动词辨析.A.失败;B.跟随;C.离开;D.完成.由后文得知Mr.Ralston 鼓励我去追逐自己梦想,便反问我一句何苦失败去选B计划呢Why are you preparing to fail with this back-up plan?故选A.
53.A.考查名词辨析.A.鼓励;B.决心;C.趋势;D.企图.由If you want to be a writer,go for it!Pursue writing!得知Mr.Ralston 鼓励我去追逐自己梦想,故Mr.Ralston's encouragementto follow my dreams,故选A.
54.B.考查名词辨析.A.梦想;B.恐惧;C.后悔;D.失误.Mr.Ralston 的鼓励排除了我从事写作的恐惧,push past my fears of not making it as a writer.故选B.
55.C.考查形容词辨析.A.巅峰;B.低谷;C.应有的;D.新的.spoken in love in due season在合适的时候给予爱的鼓励.in due season恰逢其时.故选C.

点评 考察学生的推理判断能力和联系上下文的能力,在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.此类的填空题一定要联系上下文,根据上下文的内容加上自己的理解,再作出正确的判断.


Elizabeth Mitchell’s new “Liberty’s Torch” is the fascinating story of how the Statue of Liberty came to be. The Statue of Liberty’s rough history is explored in “Liberty’s Torch”.

Frederic Auguste Bartholdi is an all-but-forgotten figure in American history. He was, however, responsible for one of the most enduring symbols of the United States: the Statue of Liberty. A Frenchman from Alsace, he designed and built the Statue of Liberty which stood on Bedloe’s Island in New York Harbor. How this statue came to be is the fascinating subject of Elizabeth Michell’s new book “Liberty’s Torch”.

The power of Mitchell’s narrative is convincing(令人信服的). We recognize the Statue of Liberty now as a symbol of hope and opportunity for a nation of immigrants. At the time, though, people could not see that-nor did they even imagine that. Instead, the construction of the statue was born of one man’s desire to set up a great monument.

For this reason, perhaps, “Liberty’s Torch” relies on Bartholdi as the connecting thread. Bartholdi went to Egypt to make photographic copies of the main monuments. On the boat, Bartholdi met and began a lifelong relationship with Ferdinand de Lesseps, the man who would build the Suez Canal. Maybe it was this friendship, or maybe it was seeing Egypt’s huge monuments, but finally the trip inspired Bartholdi’s dream to create the largest statue ever built. Failure to bring this to completion in Egypt, followed by his exile (流放) from Paris, led Bartholdi to sail to America.

By explaining the Statue of Liberty’s hard history and showing Bartholdi’s brave spirit, Mitchell has done a great service.

1.It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A. American people have never forgotten Frederic August Bartholdi

B. the Statue of Liberty wasn’t originally regarded as a symbol of hope

C. Bartholdi finished the Suez Canal

D. Bartholdi was a famous architect from Egypt.

2.What was the main reason for Bartholdi to build the Statue of Liberty?

A. To finish his education in the arts.

B. To mark his friendship with Ferdinand.

C. To create something better than Egyptian monuments.

D. To achieve his dream to create the largest statue.

3.What type of writing is the passage?

A. A travel guide. B. A book review

C. An announcement D. An architecture report.