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20.We areconcerned(关心)about each other and we'll meet after class and talk then. 试题答案

分析 我们彼此关心而且会在课后见面交谈.

解答 答案:concerned
解析:根据括号内的中文及横线前后的提示可知,本题考查be concerned about"关心;挂念;惦记"这一固定短语.拓展:be concerned with"参与;干预".

点评 本题考查基本词汇与短语的灵活运用.对于基本词汇/短语的拼写、含义要掌握清楚;运用时要注意其形式可能的变化.


My life began similarly to most children but I grew up without knowing what a father or mother was. No one was there to teach me how to tell right from wrong. Because of this, I got into some bad habits and spent seven years as a boy on the street.

When I was 20, I was taken in a rehab clinic (康复诊所). Inside I met Bill, my counselor (辅导员). He taught me a lot of things. The main thing was the gift of giving.

It was the night before an important test and I was very nervous. Bill invited me to go out for a walk to relax(放松) me. As we walked and talked, Bill suggested we should go for a coffee. I told him I had no money when I got paid, and I offered to pay him back. He stopped then and looked at me in a serious, but loving way and said he was doing this because he wanted to. Then he said, "One day when you'll be around someone who will need a coffee, you'll be able to buy it for them. That's how you can pay me back."

I'm a primary school teacher now. My job is simple and I can buy young people coffee now. Bill taught me how to offer help to others.

1.The author got into some bad habits because _____ .

A. he didn't have parents to teach him

B. he couldn't get a good school education

C. he didn't listen to his teacher, Bill

D. he was living on the street

2.One night, Bill invited the author to go out for a walk to _____.

A. have a cup of coffee B. teach the author a lesson

C. make the author less nervous D. make friends with the author

3.Which of the following statements is probably right?

A. The author was too stupid to tell right from wrong.

B. Bill often offered his students coffee to please them.

C. Bill had clever ways to teach his students.

D. The author was often nervous before important tests.

4.What did the author learn from Bill?

A. To be thankful to others. B. To offer kindness to others.

C. To stop drinking alcohol. D. To buy coffee for others.