




B.Unconcerned.14.What do we know about Carl’s first test?C.Relieved.BA. He forgot it.B. He failed it. C. He enjoyed it.


B.create a complete business plan in a very short timeC.put a lot of data into any company's computer systemD.send and receive email s at different business meetings



18. Who will play the loud noise?layC. Local residents.. Local media.B. Local officials.19. Where does the speaker advise people to go after hearing a warning?


librarian Tao Yang, who owns a complete collection of the magazines.“Sino Monthly serves as a552 of New Jersey’s Chinese community and it will help future historians 53 the community’srse ygrowth into one of the largest in the US.”In addition to 54 copies, Sino Monthly now has an e magazine and an account on Facebook andWe Chat.“We have to keep pace with the world 55 , Lee says.41. A. bought B.founded C.discovered D.signedC42. A. water B.rice C.milk D.airA43. A. survived B.disappeared C.stretched D.advertised44. A. heavy B. bitter C.thick D.inexpensiveC45. A. want B. refuse C.lack D.haveD46. A. cheap B.exciting C.safe D.helpful447. A. concentrated B.educated C.satisfied D.unprotectedc 8. A. design B.ignore C.read D.sellB49.A.apply to B.depend on C.turn down D.focus onC500. A. books B. recommendations C.news D.opinionsD51. A. benefit B. conclusion C.reason D.result522.A. record B.symbol C.memory D.representativeB53. A. push B.understand C.stop D.control54. A. rare B.large C.free D.hardB5. A. carelessly B.closely C.occasionally D.conveniently