




16.What does the man hear of for the first time?A.Italian pizza. B.Focaccia. C.Gelato.


In the zoo, I can see tigers, elephants, monkeys, pandas, 33, snakes and many otheranimals. Some animals are very nice, but some are not. Tigers, bears and.snakes are 4. That'swhy they have to stay in cages (笼子) . But I d on't 3: it's good.for animals. They shoold be free(自由的) . The animals in cages can't be 36 .I think the most interesting 3 in the zoo are the dolphins. I like watching them swim andjump. The y swim so 38 and jump so high. They can play with a ball. They can stand up and39 on water!They're very nice to people. If you fall into (掉进) water and cant 40. they maycome to help you.( ) 31.A.park B.library C.zoo D.hotel( ) 32.A.read B.start C.wash D.see( ) 33.A.ships B.bears C.drivers D.sports( ) 34.A.dangerous. B.cute C.interesting D.old



34. What can we infer from Holder's words in paragraph 4?A. The 81st St Studio has a limited space.B.Kids will be faced with some difficulties.C.Lots of exhibits are not easy to discover.D. Kids are free to explore the 81st St Studio.


D. What does the author intend to tell us to do in the last para grapph?A.Turn t o thers for help. B.Cooperate with others.C.Believe in your abilities. D.Connect with able people.