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10.[1]It is never too late to add some new and better practices into your daily life.Here are some wise lessons that I wish I knew when I was younger:
[2]________________.Enjoy every moment of today,because you are not guaranteed a tomorrow.Don't pul off your dreams.Don't wait to do.If it's important to you,then do it today.Pay attention to what is happening now,to the people around you,to the task at hand and to all of the choices you make today.
[3]It's called work for a reason.Success at anything takes work.When you hear about an overnight Success story,don't forget about all of the work that came before.You may have to do work you do not enjoy before you get to success.Keep going.
[4]Don't burn your bridges.You never know when a former boss,colleague,business partner or acquaintance may come in handy.Try to part on good terms,stay on good terms and never gossip(说长道短)about former connections.A wide pool of friends,coworkers and connections of all kinds will provide a wealthy resource of ideas and support as you go forward  in life.
[5]It's not a race.You have so much to do and it feels as though you have to be in a hurry to 2et there.But in fact,you do not have to do it all at once.1fyou try to do it all at once you will,at best not have time to enjoy it and at worst burn out and damage your health and relationships.Slow down and take one thing at a time,one day at a time.
[6]Look for the good in everything.Stay positive.Look for the good in people.Celebrate the happy moments.Give helpful encouragement rather than negative criticism.If you view the World around you and life'S challenges through goodness,then you will find life much more enjoyable.
76.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)Today is important/Do it today/Don'twait until tomorrow
77.What,s the author'S attitude toward success?(no more than 15 words)Success at anything takes work/You may have to do work you do not enjoy before you get to success.
78.List three kinds of helpful bridges while you go forward in life.(no more than 6 words)(1)A farmer boss/Former bosses (2)colleague(s)
79.What's the results if you do something in a hurry?(no more than 20 words)I will have no time to enjoy it or I may burn out and damage my health and relationships.
80.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.如果你从善意的角度来看待世界和面对生活的挑战,你会发现生活会更美好.. 试题答案

分析 生活中实施一些新奇的事情永远都不晚,并给出了一些心得体会.

解答 76.Today is important/Do it today/Don'twait until tomorrow 细节题.根据后句"Enjoy every moment of today"可知,讲述今天的重要性.
77.Success at anything takes work/You mayhave to do work you do not enjoy before you get to success.第三段提到"You may have to do work you do not enjoy before you get to success"可知,在获得成功之前,你可以做一些你不喜欢的工作.
78.(1)A farmer boss/Former bosses  (2)colleague(s) (3)businesspartner(s)  第三段提到"You never know when a former boss,colleague,business partner or acquaintance may come in handy"可知答案.
79.I will have no time to enjoy it or I mayburn out and damage my health and relationships.最后一段"1fyou try to do it all at once you will,at best not have time to enjoy it and at worst burn out and damage your health and relationships"提到急于做事情的后果.

点评 阅读表达主要考察学生处理信息的能力,在具体语境中能分析、整合信息并注意字数的限制.


Thanks for your letter. You are describing a common problem experiencing by students all over China. What you already know, the competition to get into a good university or college is very fierce, and that by turn means a heavy study load for students. I know that this can feel like terrible burden at times, but my advices to you is to keep on studying as your hard work will pay for in the end.

In the meanwhile, do you best to relax. Proper rest and relaxation are extreme important. Although I know that you are very busy, but yet I want you to try to set some time aside after class and at the weekends such that you can unwind properly.