




26.What did Sandy think of a career in poetry?A.It was harder to fulfill. B.It was really fascinating.C.It was badly-paid work. D.It needed alot of effort.


25.How did the author probably feel about the responses from The Times?A.Grateful. B.Hopeful.C.Uninterested. D.Disappointed.



第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Some years ago, I was stuck on a cross town bus during rush hour. The bus was filled with cold,tired people 41 with one another. Two men 42 at each other for an unintentional push. Anelderly woman got on, and nobody offered her a 43 . Anger was in the air; no 44 could be____found here.AAs the bus approached Seventh Avenue, the driver's words came from the speaker.“Folks, ”hesaid. “I know you’ve had a(n) 45 day and that you are depressed, but I will 46. When____each of you walks by before getting off, drop your 47 into my palm(手掌) . My route goes right____by the Hudson River, into which Ill 48 them.


35.What is the benefit of Amish families using solar panels?A.It helps to pay their monthly bills.B.It contributes to decreasing air pollutionC.It reduces their consumption of electricity.D.It allows them to run many electric appliances.