
英语周报第3711-3718,我们目前整理分享关于英语周报第3711-3718及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:考不凡/直接访问www.kaobufan.com(考不凡)





14.BIGBANG is the hottest band
in Korea consisting of members
SEUNGRI (aka V.I.),and
DAESUNG (aka D-Lite).
With their urban-originated music and flamboyant fashion style,BIGBANG is a boy band that is loved by not only teenagers but also older age groups.With the breakthrough single(单曲)"LIE",BIGBANG became the most wanted in Korea's music industry.While such hit singles as"Last Farewell","Day By Day"and"Sunset Glow"topped various charts(排行榜) in Korea for weeks,BIGBANG became the most influential artist in Korea.Their latest EP Tonight went on to become a chart-topper upon its release on many Korean music charts.The album also became the first K-pop album to reach the top 10on the U.S.iTunes chart and is the only non-English-language album in the top 100.Big Bang won the Best 5New Artists award from the 24th Japan Gold Disc Awards as well as the Best New Artist.The group received the awards for Best Pop Video and Best New Artist the MTV Video Music Awards Japan 2010.
21.Which single plays the most important role in the development of the band?D
A."Last Farewell"
B."Day By Day"
C."Sunset Glow"
22.The underlined expression"consisting of"can be probably replaced withD.
A.belonging to   
B making up
C.consisting with   
D.made up of
23.Which of the following is NOT true?B
A.Teenagers as well as adults are fond of BIGBANG.
B.BIGBANG is the most popular band in Asia.
C.There is no non-English language album in the top 100on the U.S.iTunes chart except BIGBANG's.
D.BIGBANG has got many awards so far. 试题答案

分析 本文是一篇新闻报道类阅读,本文主要介绍了韩国最火的乐队BIGBANG.

解答 21-23 DDB
21题答案:D考查细节推理,根据文章中的With the breakthrough single(单曲)"LIE",BIGBANG became the most wanted in Korea's music industry.因为突破性的单曲"LIE",BIGBANG成为了韩国音乐产业最想要的.可知本题答案为D选项.
22题答案:D考查语法基础知识,consist(ing) of 为"由…构成",其无被动结构;只有D选项made up of 意为"由…构成"与之含义一样.之所以consisting用的是V-ing,是因为consist是主动表被动;而(be)made up of 是被动结构,故用动词的过去分词形式.A选项belong to"属于";B选项make up"构成"(乐队是由成员构成,而不是构成了成员);C选项无此搭配.
23题答案:B考查细节推理,根据文章第一句的BIGBANG is the hottest band in Korea.(BIGBANG是韩国最火的乐队)可知B选项"BIGBANG是亚洲最受欢迎的乐队"表达有误.

点评 本文是一篇新闻报道类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案.


For three years, Andy had been battling cancer. The day after he returned from his camp adventure, we went for a check-up. The news was ________ . I didn’t know what to do. The doctor ________ a bone marrow transplant(骨髓移植)in a hospital 300 miles away from our home. The next day we ________ our things and left for the ________ .

One of the things I brought was the present Andy had bought for me-- a plastic rainbow. Like most ________ , I considered any present from my child a ________ .

One day, I went to the gift store near the hospital and ________ a rainbow prism(棱镜)for sale. ________ the plastic rainbow Andy’d given me, I bought it and hurried back to his room ________.

“Andy, make me a rainbow.” I put the prism in his hand. ________ Andy couldn't. He was too ________ to even raise his bead.

“Mom, as soon as I’m better, I’ll make you a rainbow.”

That was the ________ thing Andy said to me. Just five days later, the doctors told me his brain had ________ functioning.

I asked if I could ________ him, so after I settled myself in the chair, they lifted him from the ________ to place him in my arms. His leg made a movement and he ________ a clear plastic cup from his bedside table onto the bed.

A nurse opened the curtains, and then as the sunlight ________ the room, the rays hit the cup lying on its side on the bed and the room was ________ filled with flashes of color and dozens of rainbows.

Andy was gone, but I felt ________. He made the rainbow that he had ________ me — the one I would never forget.

1.A.optimistic B.hopeful C.strange D.bad

2.A.operated B.arranged C.determined D.expected

3.A.packed up B.threw away C.sold out D.left aside

4.A.hospital B.office C.school D.camp

5.A.patients B.teachers C.mothers D.doctors

6.A.wonder B.memory C.story D.treasure

7.A.chose B.wanted C.saw D.got

8.A.Missing B.Remembering C.Noticing D.Taking

9.A.in time B.in case C.at first D.at once

10.A.Though B.So C.As D.But

11.A.young B.tired C.weak D.sleepy

12.A.best B.only C.last D.real

13.A.stopped B.kept C.refused D.turned

14.A.feel B.hold C.leave D.visit

15.A.bed B.floor C.chair D.room

16.A.put B.lifted C.knocked D.moved

17.A.cleaned B.changed C.decorated D.filled

18.A.suddenly B.finally C.slowly D.quietly

19.A.Upset B.excited C.disappointed D.comforted

20.A.given B.promised C.owed D.informed