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Dear John,
I've just received your letter and I know you're arriving soon. 试题答案

分析 本文是邀请外国笔友参加志愿者活动的书信.在这封信中要说明做志愿者的意义,文章的要点基本上已经给出来了,考生只需要把要点翻译成英语即可,要求不算高,对于高三学生来说是比较简单的,在写作的时候要注意使用高级的句型如倒装句,强调句等.同时也要使用高级的词汇如elderly persons,extremely,look forward to等让文章更有文采.
 高分句式一Our mainly work is to help the people in need.
 高分句式二 You know,I feel extremely happy,for I find the greatest happiness result from helping others and making others happy.

解答 Dear John
I've just received your letter and I know you're arriving soon.And I'm very glad you'll stay for 10 days here.In your letter,you told me you didn't know what to do during the vacation and you would like to ask for my advice.
Well,now,I'm attending a Loving Care Project.I'm a volunteer of it.Our mainly work is to help the people in need.(高分句式一)For example,every week,we will go to visit some elderly persons of no family.We do some cleaning for them as well as talk with them.Sometimes,we also go to the orphan schools to send our love to those poor orphans.You know,I feel extremely happy,for I find the greatest happiness result from helping others and making others happy.(高分句式二)
So,dear John,if you let me arrange something to do during your stay,I'd like to invite you to join us,and you'll be really happy.
I'm looking forward to your arrival.
Li Hua

点评 提纲类写作的文章较开放式的文体,比较好写.学生在写作的过程中,首先思路要清晰,要对所表达的句子通顺的说出来,遇到不会的要学会替换所用语,来达到同样的意思.在每一篇作文中,对于表达观点的句子,都要用上起承转合的连词来加强文章的层次感,适当运用俗语,运用平时常用的句式来使文章富有变化,表达地道得体.


lt's a dog's life for the nation's mutts - who are becoming anxious and aggressive through lack of play, experts fear.

A study of 4,000 dog owners has found a clear link between limited playtime and behaviour problems, such as being nervous when left alone, disobedience and snapping at other animals. And while researchers can't be sure that playing less is directly to blame, they say that games provide vital intellectual stimulation and exercise. The Bristol University study showed that only one in five owners play with their dogs six times a day. Half play two or three times a day and 10 per cent have just one play session.

Mark Evans, former chief vet for the RSPCA, said that dogs are one of the few animals to play into adulthood. He told the Sunday Times: 'There is a clear association in the results. Owners report more potential behaviour problems in dogs that play less.'

Emily Blackwell -- who conducted the research uncovered tonight on Channel 4's Dogs: Their Secret Lives - said dogs often enjoy playing so much that they slow down or change strategy to make the fun last longer. The lecturer in canine(犬科动物) welfare hopes that 10,000 people will eventually fill out the survey. This will enable her to firmly establish whether lack of play is affecting dogs' moods - or if their emotional problems put their owners off spending time with them. For instance,they may slow down when playing 'chase', allowing their owner to catch up with them and the game to continue. Favourite games include wrestling, chase and tugging at toys, and perhaps unsurprisingly,'fetch' topped the list. Tennis balls were the favourite toys, followed by soft, squeaky toys, rubber balls and rope toys.

The research comes just days after an animal charity warned that millions of dogs are becoming fat. aggressive and destructive because their owners are clueless about basic animal care.The PDSA said that treats including beer, chips and leftover takeaways are making dogs fat and unwell – and wamed that almost a million are never taken for a walk.

1.If the dogs are not looked after carefully,

A.they may become rebelling and damaging

B.they may get hurt and run away from home

C.they may become less active and dislike playing with the owners

D.they are more likely to fight with other animals

2.What is Emily Blackwell's opinion on dogs' behavior?

A.If the owners spend less time with their dogs, they may become aggressive.

B.Dogs know how to make their playing time last longer.

C.Only a few owners spend enough time playing with their dogs.

D.Some junk food or leftover may cause obesity on dogs.

3.The underlined word "this" in the fourth paragraph probably refers to

A.canine welfare

B.Channel 4's Dogs:Their Secret Lives

C.the survey

D.favourite games

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Researchers confirm that playing less is to blame for dogs' bad behaviours.

B.Most of the owners will play with their dogs many times in a day.

C.Chase and tennis balls are the favourites of dogs.

D.It's obvious that dogs' behaviour problems are related with their playing time.