
英语周报高一外研第25期答案,我们目前整理分享关于英语周报高一外研第25期答案及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:考不凡/直接访问www.kaobufan.com(考不凡)





3.Parents should pay attention to the cases _______ their children have difficulty adapting to new surroundings.(  )

A. where B. as C. why D. when


分析 父母应该注意孩子们对适应新的环境有困难的情况.

解答 答案:A
在定语从句中;where作地点状语;关系代词as意为:正如…,像…; why作原因状语;when作时间状语; 本句为定语从句,the cases是先行词,由于从句中缺少地点状语"in the case",所以应使用关系副词where;故选A.

点评 本题考查了定语从句中关系词的用法;做类似的题时,需要熟练掌握定语从句的结构特点以及各关系词的用法.

Many people in the United States like eggs for breakfast. There are many different ways to cook eggs. One of the most common kinds of eggs for breakfast is scrambled eggs. In addition, this is one of the easiest dishes to cook. Read this recipe(秘法)for scrambled eggs and you will see how easy it is.

Scrambled Eggs



a frying pan

a spatula(刮勺)

1 tea spoon

a fork or spoon

a small bowl


2 tablespoons of milk or butter




1) Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium(适中的)heat.

2) In a small bowl, mix the eggs and the milk. Use the fork (or the spoon) to mix these well.

3) Pour this mixture into the pan.

4) Stir the eggs from time to time with the spatula. Continue until the eggs are no longer liquid.

5) Add salt and pepper. Add a little or a lot, as you like.

1.For this recipe, you do not need __________.

A. a knife B. a spatula C. a bowl D. a fork

2.Which of these steps comes first?

A. Stir the eggs with the spatula.

B. Eat the eggs for breakfast.

C. Add salt and pepper.

D. Mix the eggs and the milk.

3.Which of these words means “to change from solid to liquid”?

A. pour B. melt C. stir D. scramble