




21. What can be known about the trolley tour?A.It's seasonally free of charge.B.Its last stop is at the city center.C.It contains all top attractions of Key West.D. You can get on or off at any attraction of it.


31.Which can be the best title of the passage?A.Changes within the Am alZO IB.The Amazon at a tipping pointC.The Tibetan plateau and AntarcticaD.Global impacts of the Am az on deforestation



up to now.The space station has entered its final construction stage as 59. (plan) .____This smooth progress should be owed to scientists and engineers and all those60. devotion and hard work has made the space station 61. reality. China____ ____has never abandoned its 62. (ambition) goal of acquiring advanced space capabilities____and becoming a pioneer in the exploration of space,Sso as 63. (help) expand our____knowledge of the universe. China's pride in its space achievements is also an expression ofthanks 64. people who have made contributions. The insistence on the space____missions being well-prepared, well-organized and well-implemented(有效执行的) has beenthe 65. (found) on which China's aerospace industry has continually reached new____heights.


) 64. What happens when you jump?A.Your heart beats slower. B.Your lungs work harder.C.Your body flies higher. D.Your leg muscles become bigger.( ( )65. How many calories may a bar of chocolate have?