




22.Which festival offers a place for people to stay for a short time in a tent in the open air?A.Impact Festival. B.Boomtown Fair.C.Roskilde Festival. D.Wilderness Festival.


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,After their three children grew up and left home, Margaret Thompson and her husband, Kenneth.stretched their legs together on walking holidays in Switzerland, In Interlaken, they would head up the____large park, they watched them return to the 42. Some day I’d love to do that, "Thompson told Kenneth.mountain and watch the paragliders(滑翔伞运动员) 41 themselves into the sky. Back in town, in aBut there was si ways so much to do in Interia ken. 43 , Thompson didn't krow if Kenreth would



25.How did the author feel when more sandwiches were asked the next year?A.Relieved. B.Excited. C.Annoyed. D.Astonished.


30. What can we learn about mis on hon i a sufferers from paragraph 3 and 4?A.They can't be able to manage miso phon i a.B.They won't be cured through medical treatments.C.They maybe angered by the feeling of being cut off.D.They must panic over the sound caused by a love d ome.