




17. Where does the speaker most probably make the speech?A. At a family get-together.B.At a reception.C. In a class.


A. Dangerous.) 68. What does Timmy want to be in the future?《 )C. A teacher.B.An astronaut.A.A doctor. B.Great sports.( ) 69. What is the text mainly about?D. College education.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I ran into a friend a few days ago and greeted him in the familiar way. He gave the____usual 41 “I'm doing fine", but he 42 two words “I guess” to the beginning____of his greeting. That totally changed the meaning . His 43 expression matched the________two added words. 44 , he was n't doing well. So I dug a little deeper and found hereally was 45 with some big issues.In today's world of fast and quickly 46 social media, we are given the 47 that the____people there have near perfect lives. Look at anyone's personal blog and you'll see all these funpictures and comments. Much of what we see is the good 48 . Of course there is really____nothing wrong with that, but it can make a lot of people feel or 49 that their own lives are____full of challenges and various problems, 50 self-pity and depression.____The 51 is that nobody's life is perfect. Just looking from the outside, youmight be 52 thinking that other people are doing much better than you. If you lookon a deeper 53 , you will see that the surface view can be very 54 . That is____because most of us d on't show our problems but prefer to show our 55 .So, don't admire other people's near perfect sides any more. No matter how 56 their____lives look from the outside, they have their problems and 57 too. Try to understand yourselfbetter and 58 the self-pity or feelings of not as good as other people”. It can make yourdepression 59 .Even better, you can see yourself in a(n) 60 angle and have higherself-esteem(自尊) .41.A.point B.description C.response D.goal42.A.added B.created C.wrote D.spelt43.A.ridiculous B.facial C.lovely D.grateful44.A.Obviously B.Eventually C.Gradually D.Excitedly45.A.slipping B.infecting C.competing D.struggling


D. small es43. A. hardest B. simplest C. biggestD.refused44. A. feared B. wanted C.agreedfearD.discovered45. A. got B. missed C. made