
2023英语周报高一27期答案,我们目前整理分享关于2023英语周报高一27期答案及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:考不凡/直接访问www.kaobufan.com(考不凡)





8.There is a unique place where deserted factories have been transformed into a lively artistic zone-where the city's tradition and heritage (遗产) meet with cutting-edge art and fashion.This is Redtory.
Located at Yuancun Si Heng Lu,not far from the Pearl River of Guangzhou city,Redtory is a creative cultural and industrial zone made up of more than 30 old buildings-mostly red-brick ones.Back in 1956,it used to be the biggest canning factory in China.The factory produced the Can Dace (鲮鱼) with Black Bean Sauce,an iconic food product in the last century,well-known throughout south-east Asia.After the local government's industrial structure reformations,the canning factory moved away and the workshops were left deserted.There was nothing left but memories in well-preserved Soviet-style buildings.
Not long after the noise of the running machines was gone,posters of advertisement and art were found hanging on the wall in the area.To enrich the cultural and artistic life of the people in Guangzhou,the abandoned factories reopened in 2009-displaying art,fashion and culture of different forms.Redtory is home to more than 40 establishments including art galleries,themed restaurants and design studios.Large international cultural exchange activities,art exhibitions and seminars are often held here,attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.Meanwhile,waste materials have been used wisely instead of being thrown away.For instance,some installations (设施) standing around the area are made up of the rusty machines or components from the old canning factory.
The shabby and nostalgic (怀旧的) appearance combined with fashionable and artistic features makes Redtory uniquely attractive.That may be the reason that Redtory is considered the holy land for young art-lovers in Guangzhou.
Add.:No.128 Yuancun Si Heng Lu,Tianhe District,Guangzhou
Bus:Yuancun Er Heng Rd Stop-40,44,140,284,293,299,401,504,540,542,583,882;Yuancun Stop Terminal (Meilin Garden)-B11,243;Pazhou Bridge (North) Stop-137,304,564,B7,B25
Metro:Exit B,Yuancun Station,Line 5
71.The"cutting-edge art and fashion"(Paragraph 1)refers toB.
A.the deserted factories together with the old culture
B.all that is displayed and going on in Redtory
C.the Soviet-style red-brick buildings
D.the modern world outside Redtory
72.The canning factory was removed from Redtory becauseC.
A.the place was too large to manage         
B.nothing good could be produced there
C.the industrial structure needed reforming 
D.the place was intended for other purposes
73.Now Redtory has developed into a place forA.
A.art,fashion and culture                  
B.galleries,restaurants and studios
C.restaurants,exhibitions and seminars     
D.service and activities
74.What's special about Redtory?A
A.It perfectly combines the old with the new
B.It shows every respect of modern city life
C.It tells the story of some old buildings      
D.It shows how the old is replaced by the new.
75.By writing the article,the writer is trying toC.
A.introduce a modern trend              
B.report a piece of news
C.make an advertisement                 
D.discuss a hot issue. 试题答案

分析 本文为广告应用文,全文介绍了Redtory这个地方的历史、乘车路线等.

解答 71---75 BCAAC
71.答案B.词义猜测题.根据第一段前文There is a unique place where deserted factories have been transformed into a lively artistic zone可知,这里要讲的是一个甜点工厂被改造成鲜活的艺术区.在根据后文This is Redtory可知,cutting-edge art and fashion指的就是Redtory里的艺术.故选B.
72.答案C.细节理解题.根据第二段After the local government's industrial structure reformations,the canning factory moved away and the workshops were left deserted可知,因为当地政府的工业改造,这个罐头厂才搬了出去.故选C.
73.答案A.细节理解题.根据第三段To enrich the cultural and artistic life of the people in Guangzhou,the abandoned factories reopened in 2009-displaying art,fashion and culture of different forms可知,现在这个地方是艺术、时尚和文化的聚居地.故选A.
74.答案A.推理判断题.根据第四段The shabby and nostalgic (怀旧的) appearance combined with fashionable and artistic features makes Redtory uniquely attractive可知,其最独特的地方就是新旧的完美结合.故选A.
75.答案C.主旨大意题.根据第一段There is a unique place where deserted factories have been transformed into a lively artistic zone-where the city's tradition and heritage (遗产) meet with cutting-edge art and fashion.This is Redtory可知,全文介绍了Redtory这个地方的历史、乘车路线等.故选C.

点评 在解答事实细节题时,我们首先就要在试题中寻找关键的线索词,如名词、动词、形容词或副词等实义词,带着问题和它们去阅读短文,要标明其出处,为迅速、准确地选择正确的答案作好充分准备.其次要忠实于原文.该类题源于短文,所以在解题时要紧扣原文,在短文中找到相应出处,要以此为依据,而不是想当然地仅凭自己已有的知识进行答题.此外,还应注意句子间的逻辑关系(如因果、方位、次序、时间先后、转折/相对和递进关系)和认真识别指代词语(如代词和替代词:one,the one,those,that,it,they等).  

It is______ of him to set his aim high but do little, so he is always leaving things undone.

