
21-22双语学习报高一第四期,我们目前整理分享关于21-22双语学习报高一第四期及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:考不凡/直接访问www.kaobufan.com(考不凡)





8.假如你校正在开展英语演讲活动,请以"How To Be A Popular Student"为题,就一下三方面提出要成为一名受欢迎的学生应具备的素质,用英语写一篇100-120词的短文参加该主题的演讲.
How To Be A Popular Student
If we want to be a popular student,we should be equipped with the following qualities.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 试题答案

分析 本文的写作很好把握,成为一名受欢迎的同学,可以从三方面入笔来进行阐述.首先,从对集体的利益出发,说明应将集体看成家一样,可运用regard…as的短语进行行文;其次,从对待他人出发,说明要对人表示尊重、热忱,随时帮助别人,可以用never hesitate to do sth句式来展开写作;然后从对个人的要求方面,来说明只有提高自己才能成为朋友中的佼佼者;最后一句话进行总结,可以用all in all/above all等短语总结.
be equipped with 具备
be supposed to 应该
sacrifice personal interests 牺牲个人利益
build up 逐步建立,增进
give a hand 帮助
when it comes to sth.当提到…
be strict with sb.严格对待某人

解答 To Be a Popular Student
   To Be a Popular Student,we should be equipped with the following qualities.(全文总括)
   To enjoy popularity,we are supposed to regard the class as our family and sacrifice our personal interests whenever necessary.(高分句式一)Besides taking an active part in class activities,we should work responsibly to build up a good reputation for the team.(对待集体)
   In addition,students with high popularity are those who show respect,concern,and sympathy for others.(高分句式二)So undoubtedly,we should never hesitate to give a hand to those in need.(对待他人)
   Finally,when it comes to gaining popularity,one thing that can't be ignored is to be strict with ourselves,making every effort to achieve an all-round development.In time of success,we should remain modest,while in time of difficulty,we should keep strong-minded.(对待自己)
   All in all,popularity with classmates and teachers comes naturally to those who keep improving their qualities.(高分句式三)

点评 提纲类写作的文章较开放式的文体,比较好写.学生在写作的过程中,首先思路要清晰,要对所表达的句子通顺的说出来,遇到不会的要学会替换所用语,来达到同样的意思.在每一篇作文中,对于表达观点的句子,都要用上起承转合的连词来加强文章的层次感,适当运用俗语,如when it comes to当谈到,运用平时常用的句式来使文章富有变化,表达地道得体.

I am sorry he has not told me his name on the phone because_______helps if I know who I am talking to.
