




58.我妈妈很生我的气,因为我昨晚跟她顶嘴了。My mother is angry with me because I talk kedback________to her last night.


information on your resume. List your highest level of education completed rst, then subsequentdegrees and diplomas (文凭) . 39 When entering a degree or diploma you are currently____completing, add the date you began pursuing it and leave the end date blank.List relevant skills.Near the end of your resume, you should include a section for any skills thatmay be relevant and can enhance your appeal as a candidate. 40 Soft skills may be____abilities such as communication or leadership while hard skills could be computer programs ortechnical knowledge.A.Add your work experience.B.Explain your achievements and awards.C.You may also choose to include any active licenses or certifications.D.Follow these steps to show employers you are the best fit for their position.E.When including your skills, choose both hard and soft skills that relate to the role.F.When potential employers revi w your resume, they frequently go through it quickly.G.Many companies pre fr to hire local employees to reduce relocation time and expenses.



23. Where is the text probably taken from?A. A geography book. B. A science magazine.C. A travel brochure. D. An academic report.


19.Which makes the problem of clothing waste more serious?A.Poor clothes quality.B.Terrible online service.C.Changed shopping habits.