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10.How to Tell If Someone Is Happy or Sad on the Phone
Scientists have come up with some researches on what makes different types of people"tick".
The scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed new mobile phone technology called Emotion Sense that can tell if a caller is happy,angry or sad.
Scientists hope to fit the speech recognition system to standard mobile phones and use it to determine emotions-it will also use a GPS tracking system to log where the call is made.And they've already made some pretty major breakthroughs into really getting under the skin of us humans.
The results from the pilot scheme make interesting scientific reading.Among the key revelations (﹦facts) are that callers feel happier at home and sadder at work.
To break it down,scientifically,it shows 45percent of all emotions produced at home are"happy"and 54percent of emotions at work are"sad".
Meanwhile,people show more"intense"(﹦nervous) emotions in the evening than they do in the morning.
Of course,this could just be because most people feel too tired in the morning to get overly"intense".Eating breakfast and getting to work on time is usually enough of an achievement.
Anyway,the Emotion Sense technology has been developed by psychologists(心理学家) and computer scientists who say it uses speech recognition software and phone sensors(传感器) attached to standard smart phones to judge how callers'emotions are changed by everyday factors.
The sensors analyze voice samples and these are then divided into five categories:happiness,sadness,fearfulness,anger or neutral--boredom or passivity(消极) would fit into this last category.

59.How many emotions can the sensors tell?D
A.Two          B.Three             C.Four            D.Five
60.What does the underlined sentence mean?D
A.Scientists have put something testing people's emotions under humans'skin.
B.There were some breakthroughs in this technology in getting something from people's skin.
C.In this technology,people's skin was broken through.
D.There were improvements in testing people's emotions.
61.Why do most people feel less intense in the morning than in the evening?B
A.Because morning is the start of a new day.
B.because they feel too tired in the morning.
C.Because of humans'physiological structure.
D.Because of the fresh air and bright sunlight.
62.Which of the following hasn't been put into the standard mobile phones?D
A.Speech recognition software.
B.Phone sensors.
C.GPS sensors.
D.Translation system. 试题答案

分析 文章是一篇说明文,主要介绍了科学家最近的一项研究项目:通过电话来识别对方的情绪.这种新技术可以分辨开心、悲伤、恐惧、愤怒和中立等五种情绪.

59  D   细节理解题.由最后一段中的"…divided into five categories:happiness,sadness,fearfulness,anger or neutral…"可知,这种新技术可以分辨开心、悲伤、恐惧、愤怒和中立五种情绪.其余选项错误.故选D.
60   D   词义猜测题.此句的关键在于"getting under the skin",其表面意思为"到皮肤下",在本文中引申为"了解人的真实情绪".其余说法错误.故选D.
 61  B  细节理解题.由倒数第三段第一句"Of course,this could just be because most people feel too tired in the morning to get overly"intense"."可知,由于早上人们总是很累,以至于紧张不起来.其余说法错误.故选B.
62  D  细节理解题.由第三段和倒数第二段the Emotion Sense technology has been developed by psychologists(心理学家) and computer scientists who say it uses speech recognition software and phone sensors(传感器) attached to standard smart phones to judge how callers'emotions are changed by everyday factors.可知,只有D项未提及,文中无信息支持.故选D.

点评 学生需要认真阅读原文,把握文章大意,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能仔细查找文中细节,并能根据文章内容进行合理的推测判断.

Taking a trip to Philadelphia can be rewarding experience or absolute disasters---it all depends on pre-trip homework. To make planning easier, Huffington Post Travel Series recommends attractions for those planning Philadelphia family vacations.

The Philadelphia Museum of Art

Located on 26th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway, the Philadelphia Museum of Art features more than 225, 000 pieces in its vast collection, dating back to the first century A.D. Guests can discover modern art exhibits, clothing collections gathered throughout time and classic posters. Audio tours are also available.

Price: adults, $ 16; children 12 to 17, $ 12; children 11 and under, free.

The Please Touch Museum

The Please Touch Museum on 4231 Avenue of the Republic offers kids the chance to explore, discover and learn in a fun environment. The museum features six interactive zones where kids and parents are encouraged to play and learn about science, the environment and more. Exhibits include Flight Fantasy, where kids learn about flying machines, and River Adventures, which teaches kids about science, nature and weather.

Price: adults, $15; children under the age of 1, free

The Philadelphia Zoo

The Philadelphia Zoo sits on a 42-acre Victorian garden. The zoo features 1,300 animals, including a number of rare and endangered species. While visiting the zoo families can see big cats, zebras, giraffes, endangered turtle species and penguins. The zoo also includes rides for kids, such as a Rainforest Carousel and Camel Safari.

Price: Adults, $ 18; children 2 to 12, $15; children younger than 2, free.

The Franklin Institute

The Franklin Institute is Philadelphia’s major science museum, and one of the oldest in the United States. The museum offers guests the chance to experience flight simulator(模拟器)and sky bikes. The first floor offers a large Kid Science exhibit, where children discover science through a fictional journey. The second floor features air shows.

Price: Adults, $ 12; children 4 to 11, $12.

1.One of the features of the Philadelphia Museum of Art is that _______.

A. visitors have access to River Adventures

B. visitors can learn about exhibits using pre-recorded voice introductions

C. it has the cheapest admission fees for adults

D. it offers kids tour rides to see more endangered animals

2.The Please Touch Museum differs from the others mainly because _______.

A. it boasts a number of rare and endangered species

B. it has a large collection of clothing

C. it combines learning with pleasure

D. it includes a large kid science exhibit

3.Teenagers interested in aircraft will most likely to visit both_______.

A. the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Please Touch Museum

B. the Please Touch Museum and the Franklin Institute

C. the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Franklin Institute

D. the Philadelphia Zoo and the Please Touch Museum

4.Which group does the Travel Series mainly target?

A. Families with kids

B. Newly-married couples

C. Individual visitors

D. Museum lovers