
高一英语报答案20222023,我们目前整理分享关于高一英语报答案20222023及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:考不凡/直接访问www.kaobufan.com(考不凡)





15."I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and I surf the net."
"I often check my e-mail forty times a day."
"I often spend more than three hours during one time on the net."
"I spend more time in chat rooms(聊天室) than with my‘real-1ife'friends."
Do you know any people like these?They are part of a new addiction(瘾) called Internet addiction.Internet addicts spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week.The use of the Internet can be an addiction like drug(毒品) use.People lose control(控制)of the time they spend on the Internet
For example,one college student was missing for several days.His friends were worried,and they called the police.The police found the student in the computer lab:he was surfing the net for several days straight.
Studies show that about 6 to 10% of Internet users become addicted.And people worry about the teens because the Internet is changing the playing field for some of them.They spend more time in cyberspace than in the real world of friends and family.
Is"surfing the net"a hobby or an addiction for you?You may have a problem if
you have these symptoms(症状):
●You do no t go to important family activities or you do not do school work because you like to spend hours on the Internet.
●You can't wait for your next online time.
●You plan to spend a short time online,but then you spend several hours.
●You go out with your friends less and less.
1.What does the beginning of the passage tell us?B
A.How to become an Internet addict.
B.What an Internet addict usually does.
C.Where to find an Internet addict.
D.Why to write this passage.
2.How does the writer describe the addicts'use of Internet?C
A.It is something like keeping drugs.
B.It is a way of producing drugs.
C.It is like taking drugs.
D.It is terrible to imagine.
3.Why do people worry about the teens?D
A.The teens are wasting too much money.
B.They used to work on the Internet.
C.The playing field of the teens will disappear.
D.More and more of the teens wil1 become addicted to the Internet.
4.The example in the passage shows thatC.
A.Internet problems are more serious among college students
B.Internet addicts usually stay in the computer lab without sleep
C.Some of the Internet users have already been seriously addicted
D.The police often help to find those Internet addicts.
5.What is the writer trying to tell us at the end of the passage?A
A.Don't be addicted to the Internet.
B.Go to family activities more often.
C.Do things as you have planned
D.Stay with your parents as often as possible. 试题答案

分析 本文讲述的是很多人都上网成瘾,文章描述了患网瘾的人的具体的症状.说明了人们对这个现象很担心.教育我们要适度上网.

解答 1---5 BCDCA
1.答案B.推理题.根据第五段Do you know any people like these?They are part of a new addiction(瘾) called Internet addiction.Internet addicts spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week可知,作者开头是向读者描述网络成瘾的人在做些什么.故选B.
2.答案C.推理题.根据本文前5行Do you know any people like these?They are part of a new addiction(上瘾)called Internet addiction.可知这些症状都像是吸毒的症状.故C正确.
3.答案D.细节题.根据文章倒数第二段Studies show that about 6% to 10% of Internet users become addicted.And people worry about the teens because the Internet is changing the playing field for some of them.They spend more time in cyberspace than in the real world of friends and family.可知现在网络成瘾的人越来越多,人们才开始担心.故D项正确.
4.答案C.推理题.根据His friends were worried,and they called the police.The police found the student in the computer lab:he was surfing the net for several days straight.可知他连续上了很多天的网,说明他上网的时间太长了.故C正确.

点评 本文主旨鲜明,很容易在文中找到答案.做题时要注意文章的首段和每一段的首句或尾句,因为它们往往就是文章的主题句.阅读中要注意要点之间的关系.然后带着问题,再读全文,找出答题所需要的依据,完成阅读任务.


Dear editor,

I have been getting along well with my father. However, as I’m in Senior Three now, the question whether I should live at school or come back home for the nights has come to our family discussion. My father and I have different opinions over the matter and we are arguing over it these days.

My father insists that I should live at school. In the previous two years, I have been spending about 80 minutes every day to and from school. Living at school can help save a lot of time. In this way, I can have more time for my studies.

On the other hand, what I believe is that I should spend my nights at home. First of all, if I come home for the nights, I will have more freedom to arrange my studies. Meanwhile, I will have more time to communicate with my parents, which will make us understand each other better.

I don’t want to make compromises and neither does my father, as it seems. Could you tell me what I should do? I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.

Your sincere reader,




1. 以约30个词概括以上短文的内容。

2. 以约120个词表达你对住校这件事情的看法,内容包括:





1. 可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



Dear Teddy,





Editor Li

读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)


1 My father and I hold different opinions on living at school or come back home for night.

2 My father insists that I live at school to save more time for study.

3 I would spend nights at home to arrange studies and communicate more with my parents.
