
高中英语周报高二课标第九期答案,我们目前整理分享关于高中英语周报高二课标第九期答案及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:考不凡/直接访问www.kaobufan.com(考不凡)





8.Learning how to be patient with people can be challenging for some people.After all,not everybody is gifted with great(1)Aood news is that it is something that can be (2)Dand eventually perfected.
    When the customer before you takes ages to(3)Ahis or her groceries,you tap your foot impatiently and cough every now and then to remind the (4)Cto move quickly; but no,he is still not (5)B.It takes all of your power not to make a scene.However,if you (6)Athat customer to be someone you like,then you will find yourself not getting too (7)D,right?
So the next time you find yourself losing patience with somebody,simply think of that person to be someone you really (8)Aand your patience will last longer.
The second step on how to be patient with people involves whistling.When you whistle a(9)Btune,you are instantly in good (10)C.You can hum(哼) your favorite song if you can't whistle-it really doesn't make a(n)(11)B.What's important here is that you did something that makes you feel good.And when you feel good,you are more (12)Cto be patient with the people around you.
When you're stressed,it's almost impossible to learn how to be patient with people.You've got to find a way to (13)Afirst.If you know you're going to be in a situation where your patience will be tested,get yourself a massage(按摩) first.Remember:the more stressed you are,the (14)Dyou'll lose your temper.
Learning how to be patient with people is not a (15)Ain life.You've seen people who manage to survive day to day with unbelievably short tempers after all.

3.A.pay forB.apply forC.ask forD.care for
5.A.standing upB.hurrying upC.getting upD.giving up

分析 本文为健康类议论文,文章论述了人们要学会与人耐心相处,同时指出耐心也是对人们的一个大的挑战,文中对于如何应对挑战,如何让自己变得有耐心,提出了一些建议:把对方想象成自己喜欢的人;感到不耐烦时吹口哨或哼自己喜欢的歌,改善自己的情绪;同时作者强调压力越大,越容易失去耐心.

解答 1-5 ADACB  6-10 ADABC 11-15 BCADA
1.答案是A.本题考查名词辨析; patience耐心;generosity慷慨,大方;elegance优雅; strength 力气;根据上文"Learning how to be patient with people can be challenging for some people.对于一些人来说,学会对他人耐心很难"可推断本文分析的是patience耐心;故选A.
2.答案是D;本题考查动词辨析;ignored忽视;stressed 强调;rejected 拒绝;learned 学会;文章第一句强调,"对于一些人来说,学会对他人耐心很难",下文分析如何耐心对待他人,故判断能够"学会"耐心,答案选D.
3.答案是A. 本题考查动词短语辨析;pay for 付…的钱;apply for申请;ask for 请求得到;care for 关心;在意;由上文customer(顾客)推断作者在等待其他顾客"付款",故选A.
5.答案是B.本题考查短语动词辨析;standing up起立;hurrying up 加快;getting up起床;giving up放弃; 由上句中"remind the customer to move quickly(提醒这么顾客迅速些)"推断本句的意思是对方仍然没有"加快",故选B.
6.答案是A.本题考查动词辨析;imagine想象;allow 允许;believe相信;refer 提及;这里作者提供的方法是:把这名顾客想象成自己喜欢的人;故选A.
7.答案是D.本题考查形容词辨析;puzzled 困惑;shocked震惊;amused 开心;annoyed 恼火;作者这里提供的学会耐心的方法是"把对方想象成自己喜欢的人,就不会那么恼火了",故选D.
8.答案是A.本题考查动词词义辨析;adore 钟爱;喜爱;hate 痛恨;recognize 辨认出;know认识;联系上文的例子可知,作者建议把对方想象成自己"喜爱adore"的人,耐心就会增加;故选A.
9.答案是B.本题考查形容词辨析;由下文中"What's important here is that you did something that makes you feel good.这里重要的是你做了让自己开心的事"可知,吹出"快乐"的调子使自己开心;故选B.
10.答案是C.本题考查名词辨析;circumstances 环境;preparations 准备;spirits 情绪;places 地方;吹出"快乐"的调子会使人"情绪"好,故选C.
11.答案是B.本题考查名词辨析;make a mistake 犯错误;make a difference 有区别;重要;make an effort 努力;make a scene 吵架;本句表示,如果不会吹口哨,可以哼自己喜欢的歌,这两种方法"没有区别",故选B.
12.答案是C.本题考查形容词辨析;friendly友好的;lovely可爱的;likely很可能的;lonely 孤独的;根据句意可知,一个人情绪好了,"更可能"对周围的人有耐心;故选C.
13.答案是A.本题考查动词辨析;relax放松;escape 逃跑;reward 酬谢;whistle 吹口哨;根据段首的"When you're stressed当你感到有压力时"推断,要寻找"放松"的方法,故选A.
15.答案是A.本题考查名词辨析;must必不可少的事物;possibility 可能性;ability能力;choice选择;由下文"You've seen people who manage to survive day to day with unbelievably short tempers after all."可知,生活中有些人非常地急性子;可见学会耐心必须生活中"必不可少的事",故答案选择A.

点评 答题前一定要通读全文,了解大意;答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的逻辑关系,识别词义;对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来.答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯.


The Value of Tears

Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose. They can leave you embarrassed and without energy. However, crying is a fact of life,and tears are very useful. Even when you’re not crying, they make a film over the eye’s surface. 1.

When tears fall, they reduce stress. But we tend to fight them for all sorts of reasons. “ People worry about showing their emotions, afraid that once they lose control they’ll never get it back.” 2. After we cry, the feelings that caused the tears often disappear,

Sometimes people become much stressed and can’t cry. Whatever emotion they are feeling-shock, anger, fear, or sadness is being held back.

But everyone has the need to cry. Psychologist Vera Diamond explains that her treatment often consists of giving people permission to cry. 3. Patients practice crying just to become used to express emotions. She suggests safe, private places to cry, like under the bedcovers or in the car. Crying is a way of ease tension, but people don’t like it when others cry because it makes them tense. 4. And they’ll do just about anything to make you stop.

In certain situations, such as at work, tears are not appropriate. It’s good not to cry during a tense business discussion. 5. You should also act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as you like. It will help you feel better. “And,” she adds, “Once your tears have taken away the stress, you can begin to think calmly of ways to deal with the problem.”

Tears are a sign of our ability to feel. If you find yourself near someone crying, deal with it. And never be afraid to cry yourself.

A. They too may be holding back a need to cry.

B. They cry for different reasons..

C. She gives crying exercises.

D. It contains a chemical against infection(炎症).

E. The fact is no emotion lasts forever.

F. It forms in response to the stress on the surface of the eye.

G. But once you’re safely behind closed doors, don’t just cry.