
华夏希望英语周刊答案七年级上册,我们目前整理分享关于华夏希望英语周刊答案七年级上册及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:考不凡/直接访问www.kaobufan.com(考不凡)





14.With the development of science and technology,new inventions,especially new electronic products,have made people's lives easy and convenient.But as the saying puts:A coin has two sides.
One day,I was walking in the park with a friend and his cell phone rang,interrupting our conversation.There we were,walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and…I became invisible,absent from the conversation.
The telephone used to connect you to the absent.Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent.Why is it that the more connected we get,the more disconnected I feel?Every advance in communications technology is a tragedy to the closeness of human interaction.With email and instant messaging over the Internet,we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another.With voice mail,you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.If my mom has a question,I just leave the answer on her machine.
As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated,the alienation(疏远) index goes up.You can't even call a person to get the phone number of another person any more.Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.
Pumping petrol at the station?Why say good morning to the attendant when you can swipe(刷)your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact?
Making a deposit at the bank?Why talk to a teller who might live in the neighborhood when you can just insert your card into ATM?
Pretty soon you won't have the burden of making eye contact at the grocery shop.Some supermarket chains are using a self-scanner so you can check yourself out,avoiding those check-out people who look at you and ask how you are doing.
I am not against modern technology.I own a cell phone,an ATM card,a voice mail system,and an email account.Giving them up isn't wise…they're a great help to us.It's some of their possible consequences that make me feel uneasy.
More and more,I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation.Or being relieved that voice mail picked up a call because I didn't really have time to talk.The communications industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier.
So I've put myself on technology restriction:no instant messaging,with people who live near me,no cell phoning in the presence of friends,no letting the voice mail pick up when I'm at home.
32.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?B
A.The Advance of Communications Technology
B.The Consequences of Modern Technology
C.The Process of Communications Revolution
D.The Automation of Modern Communications
33.Paragraphs 5to 7are listed as examples,which show that the use of modern communications isD.
34.The passage implies thatB.
A.modern technology is bridging the people
B.modern technology is separating the people
C.modern technology is developing too rapidly
D.modern technology is interrupting our lives
35.What does the writer think to do with the modern technology?D
A.We may use them no matter what others are doing.
B.We can throw them away and return to the ancient.
C.We can be far away from them forever.
D.We can use them less and communicate with the people around us. 试题答案

分析 本文是科教类阅读,主要讲述了现代科学技术的发展在给人们的生活带来便捷的同时,也带来了某些不好的影响.

解答 32.B.主旨大意题.纵观全文可知,本文主要讲述了现代科学技术的发展在给人们的生活带来便捷的同时,也带来了某些不好的影响.故选B.
33.D.推理判断题.根据第七段的Prettysoon you won't have the burden of making eye contact at the grocery shop可知由于现代技术的发展,人们在一些交易环节省去了必要的语言交流,甚至是眼神上的接触.这让现代交际变得很尴尬.故选D.
35.D.细节理解题.根据最后一段的noinstant messaging,with people who live near me,nocell phoning in the presence of friends,noletting the voice mail pick up when I'm at home,可知作者为了应对这些影响,决定尽量少使用这些现代技术,多同周围的人们交流.故选D.

点评 本文是科教类阅读,主要考查细节理解题和推理判断题.在做细节理解题时,首先根据题目要求迅速在文章里找出相应的段落、句子或短语.认真比较选项和文中细节的区别,在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

Twelve-year-old Leonardo was born in a poor family in Bambamarca in Peru. He knew how to read but he had never seen a book in his life. So he asked the new priest(牧师)in his village to give him one. But there was no electricity. So Leonardo borrowed candles from the church and sat up all night reading it. The next morning, he was at the door of the priest asking for another book to read.

John Medcalf, the priest,was moved. He also realised that people would love to read if given a chance. But he knew how difficult it was for Leonardo and those in his village to get books. And yet, no one can be taught to read and write without books. To make people in a poor, faraway area grow to love books,they have to be with them. So he thought the only way was to bring books to people.

But how could this be done? Mobile libraries or car libraries would be too expensive and difficult to continue in the rocky, hilly land of Peru. So what other methods could be used?

Medcalf got a new idea from the barefoot(赤脚)doctors of China. And that was how the barefoot librarians(图书管理员)first appeared in the villages of northern Peru,almost thirty years ago.

The librarians began by going from village to village, lending books to villagers. They helped start The Rura1 Library Network of Peru.

At first,they were teachers of the village schools which these faraway libraries belonged to. But the teachers were not very interested in the job because it meant a lot of hard work. So, village leaders took on the job themselves.

Today, there are 600 village libraries across Peru. The barefoot librarians who walk up to 15 hours a day with bags of books are their lifeline.

1.The first paragraph tells us that Leonardo ______ .

A. had a lot of books

B. bought candles from others

C. enjoyed reading books

D. lived in the church

2.The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 3 probably refers to “______ ”

A. to grow to love books B. to bring books to people

C. to read and write D. to build a new library

3.The passage doesn't mention ______.

A. when the barefoot librarians appeared

B. who worked as village librarians at first

C. where Medcalf met Chinese doctors

D. how many village libraries Peru has today

4.It can be inferred(推断)from the passage that ______.

A. the first church in Peru was set up by John Medcalf

B. car libraries used to be popular in Leonardo's village

C. teachers were interested in bringing books to villagers

D. the barefoot librarians are important to village libraries