




4. What does the man mean?A.He didn't see Jane on his way home.B.He took a bus home yesterday.C. He gave Jane a ride yesterday.


Warren City Councilman Jonathan Lafferty is calling Reeves a hero.“The City of Warren isvery 51 ofour 7th Grade Hero Dillon Reeves!This young man reacted quickly when his schoolbus driver experienced a 52 emergency, bringing the bus to a s top and 53 what could havebeen a very severe accident. We all admire you for your heroic actions!”he said.“Dillon, he's really been a 54 guy this year, ”his mother Iret a said.“To do somet hing likethis just 55 my heart and touches me.”41.A.crashing B.stopping C.slowing D.speeding42.A.decided B.began C.struggled D.expected43.A.tripped over B.went off C.passed out D.given away44.A.broke B.changed C.forgot D.jumped45.A.faced B.fixed C.tracked D.seated46.A.set B.stole C.caught D.threw47.A.curiosity B.fear C.sense D.impression48.A.control B.care C.advantage D.place49.A.refer B.lead C.attend D.stick50.A.obviously B.safely C.calmly D.typically51.A.worthy B.short C.proud D.aware52.A.communic ative B.classic C.natural D.medical53.A.applying B.reflecting C.avoiding D.changing54.A.great B.usual C.joyful D.suitable55.A.feeds B.fills C.shuts D.hurts



35. What does Dr. Jones think of Bolt Threads' fungal leather handbags?A.They will flood the luxury market.B.Their prices can be lowered easily.C.They may threaten the mushroom industry.D.Their popularity in the future is skeptical.they offer peer tutoring programs.A.Learn to study more efficiently.B.Consider asking one of them to tutor you.C.Discover ways to enhance your studying techniques.D.You will also be more confident and willing to learn more knowledge.E.Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating healthily, and exercising regularly.F. It can be easy to lose your focus, but the main reason you are in school is to graduate.G.So how can you deal with all the academic stress that college can easily and rapidly put intoyour life?


22. Why did Middle English disappear?A.French was a popular written language then.B.Modern English replaced Middle English.C.Shakespeare didn't use Middle English.D.Middle English was influenced by Old Norse.