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9.He worked very hard and at last he succeeded in passing the test. 试题答案

分析 他学习很努力,最后顺利通过了考试.

解答 答案:succeeded.

点评 首字母填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.同时还要注意提示字母.

Paraphrase the sentences

1.The government has announced to rescue the cultural inheritance at any cost.

The government has announced to rescue the cultural inheritance_______ _________ _______ .

2.Whatever her faults, I’ll stand by her side.

Whatever her faults, I’ll ________ _________ _______ her.

3.“Be cautious about the statistics because we draw our conclusion on the basis of them,”he said.

“Be cautious about the statistics ______ ______ to ______ our conclusion ,”he said.

4. They attempted to persuade him to give up the original plan, but in vain(徒劳地).

______was a ______ of effort for them to attempt to persuade him to give up the original plan.

5.As the National Day is coming, the children are getting more excited.

With the National Day _______ _______ ________, the children are getting more excited.

6. All the football players of Guangzhou Hengda are training hard, intending to get the champion in the AFC Champions League.

_______ the _______ of getting the champion in the AFC Champions League, all the football players of Guangzhou Hengda are training hard.

7. If she took the trip to New York, I would go to see her off at the airport.

______ she ______ the trip to New York, I would go to see her off at the airport.

8.‘Dad, Where Are We Going’, a popular TV reality show on Hunan Satellite TV, leaves a deep impression on me.

I’m ______ a lot ______ ‘Dad, Where Are We Going’, a popular TV reality show on Hunan Satellite TV.