衡水金卷2024版先享卷答案信息卷新高考 一英语试卷答案

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衡水金卷2024版先享卷答案信息卷新高考 一英语试卷答案

( ) 12.What kind of music do the members all love?A.Rock music. B.Slow music. C.Quiet music.

衡水金卷2024版先享卷答案信息卷新高考 一英语试卷答案

22.How much would a couple with their 4-year-old twin sons pay for admission?A.£38.40. B.£26.20.C.£31.30. D.£24.00.

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衡水金卷2024版先享卷答案信息卷新高考 一英语试卷答案

( ) 23. Who are the listed books intended for?A.Young parents. B. Young kids.C. Media journalists. D. Children's writers.

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explain, so I give the m an example of one day.It’s Wednesday morning and it's time for the weekly school meeting. This week, one of the 32is “wheels". Kyle, one of the kids in my class, offers a new rule that students can 33skateboards(滑板) and bicycles to school. Our teacher, Mr. Jackson suggests that we do this one day a week andthen, Friday is 34 as the“wheels"day.At my old school, it wouldn’t be that 35 to change the rules! But here at the Brown’s Freese ho m l decide whether to go to clas or not. When we d on’t 36 a class we just walk out nwemy old school, if I didn't stay until the end of a class, I would be 37!At the Free School, there’s n o ui form and there are no exams. We d on’t need 38 thescores.We decide what and how we study. Even if you want to design (设计) the school newspaper,canan tell your ideas to the teachers. Then, they will find a 39 to help you make it.This is how the Free School 40 . The ideas come from the students and everyone works togetherto make them happen.B ) 31.A. quickly B.really C. luckily D. quietlyD)) 32.A. themes B.brains C.projects I目D.licenses证C ) 33.A.manage B. steal C. bringD.lock(A) 34.A.chosen B. remained C. liftedd举 D. heated讨B ) 35.A. tiny s的 B.easy C.international国 的D. silentD) 36.A. produce B.regret尼C. smell e D.likeC) 37. A. guarded B. translated翻译C. punished D. processed 2L程D) 38.A. end up最B. lay out摆开C. put on D.worry aboutC) 39.A. note记B. coin硬 C.way D. corner 角( D) 40.A. works B. complete sC. boils煮 D. enters进来