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15.莫言获得诺贝尔奖后得到极大的关注和赞誉,很多出版社愿意将莫言的作品选入中学语文课本.然而,此事引起了热议和争论.请你根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你对此事的看法,以刊登在校报Happy Teens栏目.
你的观点     (1)…(2)…
After Mo Yan was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature,many publishing houses would like to include some of his works into textbooks for high school students.This has caused a lively discussion and a heated debate.
____________________________________________________________________________________ 试题答案

分析 这是一篇提纲作文,让我们写一篇作文,谈谈很多出版社愿意将莫言的作品选入中学语文课本的看法,这需要我们发挥英语思维,将提供的信息用英语完整流畅的表达出来.写作需要用第三人称,时态主要是一般现在时,内容要点包括:赞同选入中学语文课本,能获奖,小说一定写得好;激发自豪感,鼓励学生喜欢文学;反对选入中学语文课本;有的作品可能不适合中学生阅读;课本选材不应该只看作者是谁;你的观点.我们此篇作文分为三部分,第一部分为引出争论话题.第二部分为正反观点.第三部分为作者的观点.
in favour of 支持,赞成…
be appropriate for 适合
What's more而且,此外
be exposed to 暴露,接触到
高分句型一:Those who are in favour of the idea believe that a Nobel Prize winner is definitely an excellent writer,so it's quite natural that his works be included into textbooks此句who引导的定语从句,that引导的宾语从句,以及it is natural that虚拟语气
高分句型二:From my point of view,Mo Yan is the first Chinese writer ever to win a Nobel Prize in Literature,and it is a great help to students if they can be exposed to the latest literary works.此句用了不定式作后置定语,修饰序数词

解答 After Mo Yan was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature,many publishing houses would like to include some of his works into textbooks for high school students.This has caused a lively discussion and a heated debate.(引出争论话题)
Those who are in favour of the idea believe that a Nobel Prize winner is definitely an excellent writer,so it's quite natural that his works be included into textbooks.(高分句型一 )As a matter of fact,the inclusion can arouse the students'sense of pride and encourage them to like literature better.Besides,good textbooks always keep pace with the time.However,some argue that some of Mo Yan's works are not appropriate for high school students.What's more,they say that publishers should focus on good reading materials for textbooks instead of famous writers.Therefore,we cannot be too careful in updating textbooks.(正反观点)
From my point of view,Mo Yan is the first Chinese writer ever to win a Nobel Prize in Literature,and it is a great help to students if they can be exposed to the latest literary works.(高分句型二) At the same time,publishers should choose from his works the materials suitable for students.(作者的观点)

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实 的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

After we meet people it is up to us to make them our friends. Let us stop a moment and consider what really makes a friend. The major qualities like faithfulness, devotion, friendly company, flash through our minds. But it is the large number of very small particular qualities that make up one’s whole character, such as cheerfulness, friendliness, and punctuality (守时). After all, “ to make a friend, be a friend” is not such a big and difficult order. There are particular favorable qualities, which attract others to us, and some elements which do have an effect on people in fundamental psychology(基础心理学) or not.

If you are in the presence of a shy person, talking and asking casual (随意的) questions may bring him out of his shell. Think of what would be most acceptable to the other person, for you to talk, or to listen. Either way the goal is to make yourself pleasant.

Always remember to listen, but listen intelligently. To have anyone “ hang on our words” is the most unnoticeably clever way in the world to please somebody. For a few extremely happy seconds we are the center of attraction, but when it is our turn to be audience, let us remember how we felt as the actor, and let’s be genuinely (真正地) interested in what the other fellow is saying.

Other people will like us, if we like them. If you want friends, keep your mind and heart open to friendship. Be alive to the other person’s world.

1.This passage is mainly about_______.

A. the ways of talking to a shy person

B. some favorable qualities to be a psychologist

C. how to make yourself attractive to your listeners

D. how to make a friend and be a friend

2.The words “ bring him out of his shell” in this passage most probably mean _______.

A. make him become active

B. make him feel more nervous

C. help him understand the question better

D. help him listen intelligently

3.According to the passage, an important way in making friends is to ________.

A. attract them B. be attracted

C. listen attentively D. talk widely