
双语报高二21-2229期答案,我们目前整理分享关于双语报高二21-2229期答案及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:考不凡/直接访问www.kaobufan.com(考不凡)





16.Many people say dolphins are very intelligent.They seem to be able to think,understand,and learn things quickly.But are they smart like humans or more than cats or dogs?Dolphins use their brains differently from people.But scientists say dolphin intelligence and human intelligence are similar in some ways.How?
l  Fact 1:Talk to me
    Like humans,every dolphin has its own"name".The name is a special whistle.Each dolphin chooses a specific whistle for itself,usually by its first birthday.Actually,scientists think dolphins,like people,"talk"to each other about a lot of things,such as their age,their feelings,or finding food.And,like humans,dolphins use a system of sounds and body language to communicate.But understanding their conversations is not easy for humans.No one speaks"dolphin"yet,but some scientists are trying to learn.
l  Fact 2:Let's play
    Dolphins are also social animals.They live in groups,and they often join others from different groups to play games and have fun--just like people.In fact,playing together is something only intelligent animals do.
l  Fact 3:Fishermen's helper
    Dolphins and humans are similar in another way:both make plans to get something they want.In the seas of southern Brazil,for example,dolphins use an interesting strategy to get food.When fish are near a boat,dolphins show signs to the fishermen to put their nets in the water.Using this method,the men can catch a lot of fish.What is the advantage for the dolphins in doing so?They get to eat some of the fish.
38.What does a dolphin often use as its"name"?B
A.A body language.
B.A special whistle.
C.Its feeling.
D.Its age.
39.Why do dolphins join others from different groups?C
A.To learn to"talk".
B.To meet their families.
C.To play games.
D.To find food.
40.How do dolphins help fishermen catch fish?A
A.By showing signs to the fishermen.
B.By leading the fish into the net.
C.By following fishing boats.
D.By playing with other fish.
41.What is the passage mainly about?D
A.Dolphins are smarter than humans.
B.Dolphins make friends with humans.
C.Dolphins teach humans to speak"dolphin".
D.Dolphins and humans are similar in some ways. 试题答案

分析 本文主要通过举例,说明在某些方面海豚与人类很相像.

解答 38---41 BCAD
38.答案B.细节理解题.根据Fact 1部分的"Like humans,every dolphin has its own"name".The name is a special whistle"可知,海豚使用特别的口哨作为名字.故选B.
39.答案C.细节理解题.根据Fact 2部分的"They live in groups,and they often join others from different groups to play games and have fun--just like people"可知,一群海豚在一起是为了玩游戏.故选C.
40.答案A.细节理解题.根据Fact 3部分的"When fish are near a boat,dolphins show signs to the fishermen to put their nets in the water.Using this method,the men can catch a lot of fish"可知,当附近有鱼的时候,海豚会给渔民发信号,帮助渔民捕鱼.故选A.
41.答案D.根据第一段"But scientists say dolphin intelligence and human intelligence are similar in some ways.How?"可知,本文主要通过举例,说明在某些方面海豚与人类很相像.故选D.

点评 阅读广告应用文时,应该在整体把握文章结构的前提下,主要注意细节信息.细节题题干都是相应原文的变形(如同义改写、词性转换等),因此要找到答案一定要找到题干在原文中的出处,再把原文和选项相比较.做题时,根据所提问题用寻读、跳读的方法可达到事半功倍的效果.同时,在阅读时也要特别注意文中以粗体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是文章的核心或某一部分内容的概括.具体答题策略如下:

A long time before I was born, my grandma and grandpa had a young family of four little girls. During the Great Depression (大萧条时期), work was hard to find, so Grandpa did whatever jobs he could. On weekends he and Grandma dug a garden to grow some of their own food.

Everybody worked to keep the garden growing. All summer long, the family ate food and enjoyed flowers from the garden. Grandma put up strawberry jam, tomatoes, beans, peppers, pears and peaches in canning jars. They were good to eat through the long winter.

The family grew up, and grandparents grew old. It became hard to keep up the garden, so they made it a little smaller. There was still plenty to eat from the garden and lovely flowers to enjoy.

Then one summer when Grandpa was eighty-nine years old, all he could do was watch from his lawn chair as the vegetables grew and the roses bloomed. Summer slowly faded, and Grandpa died before it was time to bring in the harvest.

It was a lonely winter for Grandma. She sat near the window, looking out at the yard and wondering if she could plant a garden in the spring. When spring came, she planted only a little garden.

One sunny day in the early summer, Grandma heard a commotion (骚动) in the front yard and looked out the window to see a frightening sight. A huge swarm of bees filled the air between two tall trees. The buzzing sound was very loud.

The bees made their way into a hole up in one of the trees. Before long, every one of those bees had disappeared into its new home. During the next few days, the bees were busy minding their own business. Grandma could always see a few bees buzzing in and out around the opening high in the tree. Before long, she decided the bees weren’t bothering anyone, so she didn’t give them another thought.

That summer, Grandma’s little garden grew and grew. The neighbors would stop to admire the huge crop of vegetables and puzzle over their own gardens weren’t doing well.

One day, Grandma’s brother Frank visited from Arizona. As Grandma made Frank a delicious lunch of squash cakes and homemade applesauce, she told him the story about the swarm of bees. Frank said, “In Arizona, the farmers often hired beekeepers to set up beehives near their fields. The bees pollinated (授粉) the crops and helped them to grow.”

That was when Grandma realized that her bees had helped with her garden all summer. “So that’s why my little garden had such a big crop!” she exclaimed.

From that time on, Grandma always believed that since Grandpa couldn’t be there to help her that summer, he had sent the bees to take his place and make Grandma’s little garden grow and grow.

1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. The garden was dug by Grandparents during the Great Depression.

B. The garden provided enough food and flowers for the family.

C. The garden was made smaller as Grandparents grew older.

D. The garden once lay in waste after Grandpa passed away.

2.It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

A. Grandma was too busy to hire someone to deal with the bees.

B. Grandma felt very lonely and helpless when Grandpa passed away.

C. Frank hired beekeepers to help Grandma keep the garden growing.

D. Grandpa turned into bees to help Grandma keep up the garden.

3.The method the author uses in the underlined sentence is _______.

A. offering analyses B. providing explanations

C. making comparison D. giving examples

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Grandpa’s Bees B. Grandparents’ Garden

C. The Harvest of Summer D. The Secret of the Garden