




20. What will the speaker talk about next?A. His plans.B.His weaknesses.C. His academic achievements,axo diw sblniw


2.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The weather. B.A gift. C.Their friend.



听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.Where is Mr Griffin?A. In the meeting room.B. In his office. C. In the hospital.C9. Why does the man speaker change the appointment time?A. He has an accident.B. He has to repair his car.C.He has to send a girl to hospital.O1 He 10.What day is it today? C.Wednesday.A.Friday.B. Thursday.


the hthey achieved mved many international victories. Itravel to Seoul for the 1988 Olympics. They feared he would not handle the heat or longjourney well.SnowboundSnowbound was the first horse to win a gold medal in show ju ping for Team USA. Therse before his legendary career in jumping.dark bay thorough brerough bred made his start as a racehorseDue to two tendon(肌腱) i建) injuries, the owner doubted whether he'd be a successful jumper.In 1964, Sir John Galvin saw him at a horse show and purchased him for the United StatesEquestrian Team.How old was Stroller when it won the Championships?D. Eighteen.A. Ten.-B.Thirteen. C.Fifteen.