




14.What did the man do just now?A. He played badminton.B.He listened to music.C.He chatted with Jenny.


33.What was the main goal of the e数teducation system in the US?A. Helping children read religious texts.B. Training qualified workers.C.Passing the university examinations.D. Providing political leaders.



25. How did the author feel when seeing grasshoppers from the weedsA.Calm. B.Excited. C.Bored. D.Frightened.


33. What is the finding of the study conducted at the UniA.Speech treatment is more effective for aphasia. s.B.Sound can help improve language function in stroke survivors.3C. Singing-based group rehabilitation can reduce caregivers stress.D. Social activity has no impact on the recovery of stroke survivors.34. What does the author say about using music in aphasia rehabilitation?