




25.What does Mike Kerr use A I to do?A.Reduce teaching pressure. B.Help with students'homework.C.Summarize English lessons. D.Go through the complex classics.


the corner as my manager to the CFO about how I was n’t teachable, and that I wasextremely slow to 4a, calling me an i, calling me an idiot. I believed what she said and felt 45w____However, Teresa who was my manager's manager was so thoughtful to my t ful to my 46 , and shewould stay back each day to teach me so47. She knew of my personal struggles, and would callme to make sure I didn’t form my bad48____which I’m not yet ready to share here. She neverwanted attention, always 49 for me when no one is watching, and she had no purpose.With her help and the 50 she placed in me, I actually advanced and 51 my salary (I wash hefired after my manager's complaint but got 52a few times in the next company after just over ayear. However, her biggest 53 to53 to me was simply that she cared for me. So, I had to 54myself.Kindness is a gift . I hope to 55 the favour to Teresa one day____day, and to offer the sameopportunity to others.AA441. A. forgetB.considerC. shareD.realizeC 42. A. strict B.angryC.content D.ledD.familiar3. A. complained B.adaptedC.referredB.reactC. speak4. A. communicateD.learnC. lazyD445. A. shy B. helplessD.easyC46. A. difficulty B.disasterC. careerD.positionB477. A. eventually B.creativelyC.obviouslyD.patiently48. A. opinionB.effectC. habitD.directionB 9. A. caringB.waitingC. lookingD. standingD. knowledgeA50A. situationB.confidenceC.relationD.doubleB551. A. earn B.decreaseC.spendC.fired552.warned B.promoted D.praisedB.hopeC.chanceD.right3. A. giftB53.C54. A. turn to B.concentrate on C.believe inD.watch overD 55. A. send B.lendC.show D.return



听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10.Why does the woman find the study hard?A.The poems are about some difficult topics.B.She has to compare poems across languages.C.She lacks knowledge about different cultures.


听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What does the man recommend the woman to do?A.Staying at home. B.Having a guided tour.C.Going to a special museum.